
"Infusion Of Jesus"...Wednesday

I found it really interesting this past week that I have  heard the word infusion (in a Spiritual context) three times. That  really got my attention from the Lord in a way that He was telling me something very important that He wanted me to be aware of.

The word infusion means; cause to penetrate, instill,  new life, inject and ingrain. Wow! All those words  are powerful if you see it from a Heavenly perspective.

A scripture came to mind out of Ezekiel  36:26 that  says,

"And I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you; 
I will take  away the heart of stone from your flesh, 
and give you a heart of flesh."

Particularly the passage  that says "And I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you... The Lord will infuse in us a new heart and infuse in us a new Spirit which is a major infusion of Jesus. Jesus infuses, penetrates, instills, injects and ingrains new life into our hearts. He makes us come alive by His Holy Spirit infusion. He breathes His very life into us
I  totally come with outstretched arms and a surrendered heart, receiving a supernatural, heavenly infusion from Jesus. For He is all I need all the days of my life and He will continuously provide a bountiful supply of Him!

Infused In Christ, 
Sandy Billingham

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