


"Strengthen the feeble hands,
 steady the knees that give way, 
say to those with fearful hearts, 
be strong, do not fear; 
your God will come, 
He will come with vengeance; 
with divine retribution
He will come to save you."  
 Isaiah 35:3-4

     I can remember seeing scary movies which gave me nightmares for days as a child.  Can you remember your parents having to check under your bed in your dark room to make sure no monsters were there?

     As adults, we often don't admit to fears but we still can have them.  These are more 'what ifs' sometimes than things that are actually happening, but they give us sleepless nights none the less.

     Christians need to remind themselves about this Isaiah passage.  God is there to save us.  He comes to us in the times of trials to help us through whatever we face.  He opens doors for us to provide for our needs, just when we feared there would be no solution.

    Best of all, eternity awaits us.  No matter what happens in this world don't forget the ending.  Turn to the book of Revelation -- the last one in the Bible.  The victory belongs to Christ Jesus -- He wins over Satan and this evil world in the end.  So we also win in the end because we belong to Him.

Written by
Carol Steficek


  1. Yes, always keep in mind the ending. When we remain close to God and go to Him when we are afraid He will protect us. Where else can we get this assurance of protection? We do not have to be responsible for our own protection or rely on ourselves when we have a Father who will be on our side with heavenly protection.

    God bless...

  2. Beautifully said! It really does help to remember that no matter what happens today - we have eternal victory with Our Lord!
