
"He Is Merciful And Gracious!"...Wednesda

I am exceedingly grateful for our Most Wonderful Lord! He is so full of goodness that is never ending for His people. 

His Word says in Psalm 86:15... 
"But you, O  Lord,  
are a God merciful and gracious,
 slow to anger and abounding 
in steadfast love and faithfulness."
Our God is overflowing in Rich Mercy and  Rich Grace, even though  we  do not deserve it. His love is continuously drenching and flooding and filling us. We have a God who is Always Faithful to us..  We can count on Him every time. He will never go back on His Word. In fact He tells that He is "ready to perform His Word and His Promises."
We can live each day knowing that when we are in need of Mercy, Grace, His Love and Faithfulness, and that He will grant each of those onto us unreservedly simply because we belong to Him.
I feel so completely protected and radically blessed by my Heavenly Father. I can lay my head on my pillow each night resting in the Peaceful, Loving arms of my Jesus receiving all of  His Mercy, Grace, Love and Faithfulness at my time of need.
In His Loving Arms, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Sandy,
    I love how you remind us how exciting it is to have God's Perfect Love. In spite of my flaws and failures, I am wrapped in His Glorious Love!
    Thank you for your wonderful writing!
