
Don’t Forget Gratitude...Friday

August 28, 2015

 16-18 So, my very dear friends, 
don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift 
comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light 
cascading down from the Father of Light. 
There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced,
 nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, 
showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.
James 1:16-18

When I struggle with things in my life that are not going as I think they should be or how I have planned I find myself forgetting to be grateful and then, when I remember that I need to be grateful, I become stubborn. I don’t want to be or find reasoning in my head to not be because the things going “wrong”, or not according to my plan, outweigh the gratitude list.

Well, eventually, I come to my senses, as I have this week.  Through the frustrations of some situations in my life that haven’t changed as quickly as I think they should, I still have been able to press on with making some amazing successes in my life.  I suddenly realized yesterday that I have been able to change some real long term battles.  One of them is exercise.  Over the past couple of years I have done it more consistently than ever before, but, still one day of skipping my routine and it would take me weeks to get back on it.  Along with that, I was continuing my eating habits that did not bode well with trying to lower cholesterol.  I deserve to eat ice cream every night because I work hard, and I had also been exercising.  It was not so much the fact that I was eating ice cream…it was more about the amount of ice cream that I was eating.  Plus, it was too hard to make these changes at the same time!  Those were my excuses anyway.

I am so very GRATEFUL to report that my revelation this week is how these changes have taken place within me!!  God is so great!!  He works in us when we don’t even know it.  I have had years of struggling with these issues, however, I kept plugging away doing what I needed to do, as God was doing what He does.  I stopped obsessing and beating myself up about how I am doing things wrong and will never be successful with these goals. 

I didn't stop even though I was not seeing results as quickly as I would like and was feeling discouraged.  God knows all about me and my struggles, He knows the negative self-talk that I have battled with, even with all that, He still loves me and changed my heart to be successful in these life goals.  What an incredible feeling to know that He is always there with love for me!  The additional struggles that I have are a bit more major, but, with my gratitude and the encouragement I feel, I knowing that God will provide them within His time frame and not mine.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Written  by
Kelly Dobyns


  1. It is important to go to God as much for conversation and thanks. To constantly approach Him with a laundry list of "Honey Do's" is not the correct way to approach the Maker of the Universe. He already knows all about everything we think and do and want. One possible way to request something from God could be, "Father, thank You for what you will be doing in (name situation or request). I thank You for all you do in my life and my needs. I know that You care for me and give what You think is best."

    God bless...

    1. In fact what you say can be a lot more nicely stated, and it can be elaborated with more words of gratitude and thanks.

  2. One song that has encouraged me for years of discouragement is, " We've ComeThis Far By Faith", written by Albert A. Goodson. It does not say that we have victory yet, but serves to remind us that we cannot turn around when disappointment and frustration try to tell us to give up. So, we should encourage one another to glance back, look up and keep moving forward!

    I applaud your past victories, no matter how small; and pray for the huge victories yet to come!

  3. Thank you, ladies! It feels to wonderful to be victorious with the Lord. Yesterday I had this incredible feeling of confidence and will continue to take a stand for myself in this abusive work situation. Until I move on I will not allow her to effect me as she has in the past. It truly is amazing to be partnering with God! He so has our back at every moment! As my sisters in faith do! Love you girls!! XOXO
