

Devotional for 8/30/15

We have heard a lot lately about the hacking of a website that encourages married people to have affairs.  People who had used their services were fearing the repercussions of being found out by their spouses, family and friends, and even their workplaces in some cases.  And those who hold public positions had a much wider circle of people to fear.  There were those who had never used their services who were searching the database to see if they knew anyone on the list.  For some it was mere curiosity.  For others it was checking up on particular people they thought might appear on the list.  It has caused ripples far and wide. 

Fidelity in a relationship is important to most people.  Those who "cheat" on their commitment are scorned.  It says very clearly in the Bible that you shall not commit adultery.  Many people who are married never have sex outside of their marriage and feel they have safely kept this commandment.  Many singles feel they aren't addressed in this commandment since they are not married. But what does it mean to "perfectly" keep this commandment?
Matthew 5:28 (40 kb)
Jesus said: "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.'  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  Matthew 5:27-28 (NIV)

When the commandments are not taken out of the context of the whole Bible, it becomes clear that God not only forbids the external act of adultery, but also any improper sexual thoughts and words.  But also the opposite is expected, that one's marriage be built up, protected, and rescued if in danger.  And on top of that, we are also responsible for helping and protecting other people's marriages.  Still think this commandment doesn't apply to you?

Then consider this: Christ loved the church as his bride and gave himself up for her on the cross.  Are you willing to die for your spouse, or also to save another's marriage?  Probably not.  We are all also guilty of infidelity in our relationship with God, because we are all sinful and fall short somewhere. But the good news is that God is forgiving and willing to help us as we move forward to improve our relationships, both with those here on earth as well as with him. So before you "cast the first stone" at those you know who have committed the outward sin of adultery, remember your own issues and be merciful and forgiving just as God is with you.

Dear Father in heaven,  I thank you for the relationships in my life. I ask that you help me to build them up in every way and keep them healthy.  Please forgive me when I damage any relationship, mine or others, but especially my relationship with you.  Help me to remain ever faithful to you and give a good witness to your Son's sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins, who with you and the Holy Spirit are one God in heaven.  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! You brought tears to my eyes, thinking of all of the ways we may be the cause or contributing factor in the failure of the relationships around us. Times I may have encouraged a friend to leave, instead of praying for both parties to seek the Lord for healing.

    Thank you for this always timely and necessary message!
