
God's Relentless Love

"God Will Not  Relax His Hold On Us!

The  verse in Hebrews 13:5 (Amplified  Version)B completely blesses my heart! He reassures us fully that as His Children He will always support us, uphold us and will have His Strong hand upon us. His Radical Love for us Never Fails!
Let's take a look at this Verse......

For He God Himself  has said,
I will not  in anyway fail you nor give you up
nor  leave you without support. I  will not, I will not, 
I will not in any degree leave  you helpless nor forsake,
nor let you  down, relax my hold on you!  Assuredly not!

Hebrews 13:5 B

That Verse  to me is comfort packed... not to mention  His  relentless love  for us and deep protective hand upon us Always! Because we are His Beloved, He is not about to relax His hold on us or ever leave us  to  ourselves. He Loves hanging out with us and is right there with us through good times  and difficult  times. 

I  come before  my  Abba Daddy  with outstretched hands, calling  out  to  Him for His help and guidance. He is fully my "Everything" and in Him I  will never lack! I will rest in  His arms today 
and always.....

In His Loving Arms, 
Sandy Billingham


1 comment:

  1. Thank you God that we never have to worry about You letting go of us. This gives us confidence that we have nothing to fear, because You never let fo of us.

    God bless...
