
Traveling Through.....Tuesday


Three dusty young people walk into the local restaurant, all eyes turn towards them as they look about them self-consciously for a sign. Should they seat themselves? Yes, a woman nods to them, and they move to a table. This rural town recognizes all of it's members, and these kids are newcomers. After they place their order the server kindly lets them know how they do things. "Just so you know, we offer breakfast all day on the weekends, but during the week we only do breakfast then lunch." They smile and nod appreciatively.

At their next stop, the grocery store cashier offers to get their email so that they can be kept up to date on specials. The friendliness of these two professionals in this small town makes me think of Customer Service Representatives. CS reps are supposed to make us feel good that we called and confident that whatever our issue is - it will be handled.

Just by saying hello, we can be customer service reps for our town, where we work, and even our country. When people are traveling through and across our paths we can make the choice to be a positive representative just by smiling or saying hi!

For instance, last January my husband and I were going to a Chinese New Year Luncheon. As we walked the blocks from where we parked carrying our gift for the hostess, people looked at us as we passed and I tried to catch the eyes of some of the women so I could smile hello. Then we saw a young man in his 20's coming towards us and after a few seconds of looking at us, an idea spread across his face, lit up his eyes, and he smiled at us, saying Happy New Year as he passed.

His thought process was so expressive and his greeting so appreciated, I have wondered since how I could put his kindness into action in my own life.

He has told you, O man, 
what is good;
 and what does the Lord require of you
 but to do justice,
 and to love kindness, 
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 ESV

Dear Lord, thank You for being kind to us, before we even understood and could appreciate all that You are and have done for us through your Son, Jesus Christ. Please help us to be wise in our ways, kind in our expressions, and humble in our attitudes. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


1 comment:

  1. When we do a kindness for someone just out of the good will of your heart you bless the receiver. However, there is someone else who ends up with a good feeling. That person is the one who helps the other person. And dare I speak for God (wink) I believe He totally likes it that we have been thoughtful to another.

    God bless...
