
Miracles Abound....Monday


He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
Job 5:9

Earlier this summer I spent three weeks in Maine. I grew up in New England, but my eyes are now accustomed to the California brown hills. There is no green except perhaps in the winter months when the rains come. However, the rains have not come now for four years. I have been noticing more and more dying trees in the last couple of months. Still Maine was amazing as it always is no matter what season I find myself there.I always notice the beauty in nature, but when I am in a place that is not my regular habitat it seems to stand out more. As I am sitting here I am thinking of recent times when I have been blown away by God's beauty.

I can think of many places that are eye candy in the world...Bangladeshi jungles, sunsets, mountains in places like Yosemite, and last, but not least, the ocean. I always wonder why people would deny the existence of God in favor of a big bang. The works of His hand are everywhere, and, in my opinion, cannot be denied. Natural wonders abound, but He did not stop there. He gave us this earth, and then He created us and all the animals that live on His earth. All planned and set out for us by our Father who loves us in a way that we cannot even really comprehend. His miracles 

The main thing that we need to remember is that God is everywhere and still creating His gifts and miracles for us. A daily prayer of thankfulness and gratitude would be a great way to greet Him first thing in the morning. Perhaps we could tag something else onto that. In addition to being grateful to God in a general way, we could also remember a specific time that He gave us a miracle that changed a problem into a victory, and thank Him for what he has done.

Heavenly Father, I come to you with thanks for this day you have given me. The early morning light shines golden on the trees and delights me. Thank you for answering my greatest desire when I thought that I would never be able to have children. I had just about given up when You made Your move and my son was born. Then it looked as if I was to have only one child not the little family that my husband and I had hoped for. You planted the idea of growing my family through adoption. Our second son had only been with us for two months when I started to feel like I was pregnant. Eleven months later You were with me as our daughter was born. No words could express how I felt and still feel at this blessing. Since you always know what I am thinking I do not need words...only feelings of gratitude. Amen.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. We all have miracles that are gifts of God. We must remember to speak our thankfulness to Him.

    God bless...
