
"I" VISION... Sunday

Devotional for 8/16/15

A certain computer company has popularized using "i" at the beginning of their product names - iMac, iOS (operating system), iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes, iCloud, etc.  One might say that's appropriate for the "me" generation... 

But what about your "I" vision?  How do you see yourself?  Is your self-image based on what others think of you? Do you hold on to something in the past that you feel shapes who you are forever?  Is your worth based on what you produce or what you do?  Does what you wear or your outer looks determine your beauty?  Be honest.  Let's get down to "I" Level.

Many of us feel hurt when others express a low opinion of us.  Or we see a past mistake as something we can't get over.  When we are unable to fulfill our own expectations on a job, be it paid or volunteer, we may beat ourselves up over it.  Some of us feel we cannot leave our homes or go certain places unless we have our makeup on, our hair well styled, and our clothes up to a certain par.  If we make a mistake, sometimes we try to cover it up, as if we are perfect.  But if we have an internal sense of self-worth, these things pale.

What is God's vision of us?  If he were to look at us on our own, he would see sinners, for all of us have fallen short of the glory of God.  But that is not how he sees us.  He looks at us through the vale of Christ's sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins.  So what he sees is a beautiful new creation!

2 Corinthians 5:17 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17 (45 kb)

Dear Father in heaven, I thank you for your beautiful creation of this earth and all that is in it.  Help me to be thankful for and honor what you created when you made me.  Create in me a new heart and renew a right Spirit within me.  Forgive me when I only see myself as an ugly cocoon, when I am really already a butterfly.  Let your vision of me in Christ become my new self-image, my "I" Vision.  May that image shine forth your glory to others so that they too may become your faithful children. In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen  

Please listen to this song which I have added whenever you are feeling an unfavorable "I" Vision about yourself. I feel that this should be and is an answer to the self doubts and condemnation we often feel.  Corinne Mustafa



  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. You write well Jan but this is one of your best. Your creation of the concept of the "I" vision is inspired. When we self berate we are in affect insulting God who made us, and God did not make any junk. I used the Mercy Me song called "Flawless" earlier in the week and I am adding it here again. The word flawless does not mean we are suddenly made as a person who cannot be anything but perfect. It means that even with our flaws the Cross has created someone worthy of God's gift of eternity no matter what mistakes we makeafter we have called out to Christ to accept the invitation He gave us by the Cross.

  3. Thank you both so much. All glory goes to God.

  4. Jan,

    I want to say so much about what you have shared,but have tears in my eyes...

    So, I will just say, Thank God for You, Dear One!
