
Joy in Life...Tuesday

August 3, 2015

Six months ago I never thought I would be writing a devotional about the joys of life on earth.  I just returned from a camping trip with my son and friends of his.  Most of the people I had never met before.  I would never have been about to do that without my faith in God.  I would have been too worried, too nervous, and afraid of having fun.  I was able to accept the invitation to live life with joy.  He has given me a new mind and heart.

Therefore, if anyone is
 in Christ, 
he is a new creation.The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.2 Corinthians 5:17 

He is so incredibly good to us!  When I began to walk by faith and not sight, I was able to live a bolder and much more peaceful life.  Not worried about every little detail, as well as creating a scenario of troubles in my head that I am afraid will happen.  Way too much of life is wasted on borrowed problems.  Way too much of my life has been spent in fear, fear of people, places and things.  God has always been there and been very great to me, the difference now is that I have allowed Him to take those fears away.
  And I will give you a new heart, 
                                           and a new spirit I will put within you.       
                              And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh
                                                 and give you a heart of flesh.                                            

Ezekiel 36:26 (ESV)

I have always had a kind heart, but along with the kindness of my heart was fear and worry.  God has shown me that I can replace the fear and worry with hope and joy.  How amazingly blessed I am!  I spent four days with people that I had just met and had a gloriously carefree and fun time.  I didn't worry about what all these people would think of me and how I dressed or acted.  I spent time having new adventures with some incredible people that I will treasure for the rest of my life.   My son taught me how to ride a jet ski. As I am out on the lake zooming around, I have a great big smile on my face feeling the wind in my hair and seeing the beauty of God’s creation all around me.  I could feel the joy in my heart as I thanked God for the time well spent…and the many more times to come!

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. It is important to trust God that what you do will bring you joy. You can find joy in the out of the ordinary things you do such as a camping trip. However, you can also find joy in a job well done, because of the satisfaction and you get from a successful completion. What you think about you bring about. Plan to find joy and you will not miss it.

    God bless...
