
Lots Of Grace And Mercy...Wednesday

Every morning I head out to our patio to eat my breakfast. As soon as I came out today I noticed one of my plants in a major upheaval! There was soil everywhere and my plant was not looking good. Some type of animal during the night had a hay day with my plant. What  I noticed most, was that  the animal had totally uprooted my plant. He had turned it upside down and made a huge mess of things!

As I thought of that episode, it reminded me when we as God's people allow a bitter root to grow in our hearts. Not only does that bitter root affect us but it  also effects everyone we have contact with and makes a huge mess to those around us! It is like a poison that spews out of us infecting the people and the atmosphere around us.
God's Word tells us in Hebrews 12:14-15...

 "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, 
without which no one will see the Lord: 
looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; 
lest any root of  bitterness springing up cause trouble, 
by this many become  defiled."

God has called His people to be a people of peace and to extend continuous grace to all those of the household as well as everyone else. We should be quick to forgive and always be ready to release mercy to those in need.

Back to my plant... I quickly cleaned it up and tried to put it somewhat back together. I am hopeful in time,  it will spring back and blossom beautifully. There is something good that came out from that big mess, though.  Every time I look at that plant, it will be a constant  reminder to me to never allow a  bitter root to transpire  in my life. I will choose  to  quickly forgive and  extend abundant grace and mercy when the time comes.

In His Grace and Mercy, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. If you are peaceful and be still you will be able to feel His grace and mercy all around us. Or on the other hand,if we believe in His grace and mercy which is always as close to us as the air we will be peaceful. Believe and let God change your life.

    God bless...
