

Devotional for 8/23/15

Have you ever stumbled around in the dark? I often get up before my husband, and so as not to awaken him, I do not turn on a light. I know my bedroom well enough to usually make it around a partial wall to the master bathroom without incident. However, if I am in an unfamiliar setting, I need at least a little light to guide me. It even makes my balance better.  It's amazing how the smallest little beam seems so much brighter in a pitch dark room!

The same can be said for our life journey. Without God's guiding light we would be stumbling around in the dark, groping for some stable, sure object. And when life is darkest, His beam is even more vital, giving us that secure footing.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 NIV
Psalm 119:105 (45 kb)
Just because he lights our path and guides our feet does not mean we understand where this particular course is going or why. Sometimes the meaning of a certain part of our journey is never fully illuminated. We just trust that He knows what is best for our lives. But why does God shine a light on our path? It is not just to guide us on our way. It is also to guide OTHERS to Him. He guides us "for his name's sake":
...He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:3 NIV

When others see our path and our faith, and how He guides and supports us through thick and thin, we pray they will be 
enlightened with the Savior's love just as we have been. May our lives be a reflection of Him, shining in the darkness.
The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.  Proverbs 4:18 NIV

Lord Jesus, thank you for being a light shining in the darkness of my life. Help me to be a reflection of your enormous love for the world, a conduit for your light leading others to your salvation. Forgive me when my light dims or is hidden by me when I fall into sin, and bring me back into your light for your name's sake.  In Your name I pray, Amen

written by Jan Andersen 

song: Thy Word, Maranatha

1 comment:

  1. Kathy Tricoli sang a song in the mid 1990's about the importance of light to follow an illuminated and inspired path. We all need light both physical and internal to be successful in the various aspects of our lives.And the best way to have light is from reading the Word to fuel it.

    God bless...
