


"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, 
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, 
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and over-flowing with thankfulness." 
Colossians 2:6,7

     I really like to garden.  I do grow some flowers in pots and in the beds along the house.  However, I mostly enjoy my garden plot behind the house where I grow vegetables.  There is nothing like fresh and homegrown veggies!

     One thing I have learned about growing anything is that it is important to prepare the soil and water so the roots can sink deeply.  Shallow roots merely let the plants dry out and they don't produce well.

     How is your root system?  Are you firmly grounded in the Word of God so all the trials and temptations of this life don't easily up root you?  Are you well watered with worship and Christian fellowship so when you have to face illnesses or losses you don't dry up and give up?  Are you getting enough nourishment via the sacrament of Holy Communion so you have strength to grow?

     Like garden plants, we are branches in the vine of Jesus Christ.  We can't grow and thrive without Him.  Take time daily to sink your roots in Him and His Word and prayer, and weekly at a church home.  Live and thrive in Him!

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Jesus told a parable about planting where some grew and some did not. This devotional reminds me of this. I have a tomato garden that is growing tall but does not have a lot of fruit. I think it is a water problem. However, watering is a big part of preparing for strongly anchored and producing plants. So much goes into having heathy fruit in plants and in our lives.
