
"I Was Thirsty And You Gave Me Drink"...Wednesday

My husband and I went to a water park recently and literally had a most relaxing and enjoyable day! I didn't want it to end. We talked with a couple of the employees running the water rides. They both expressed their discomfort in the heat of the day and in need of ice cold water. So we purchased some water bottles and made sure they both got them soon after they shared with us. 

Shortly after, I was reminded in God's Word about the part that says 

"I was thirsty and you gave Me drink." 

In fact let me share the fullness of the verse that leads up to that particular statement in 

Matthew 25:35
"for I was hungry and you gave Me food;
 I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;
I was a stranger and you took Me in;
I was naked and you clothed Me; 
I was sick and you visited Me."
I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me that as my husband and I gave those two young men water bottles, that we were doing it as onto Jesus. As of any of those things that His Word says in helping mankind, if our hearts are in tune with the Lord, that is all onto Him.
That all the more gives me a desire to see each and every person through the eyes of Jesus. As I see them as He sees them, it will truly be onto Him as I reach out to those in need each and every day of my life!
As Onto Him, 
Sandy Billingham


1 comment:

  1. Thirsty or hungry are just an example of things we can do for people in need. The point is that we should think of other people's needs as giving help unto the Lord.

    God bless....
