
Choose and Accept Your Chains...Thursday


I  like to spend my quiet time with a lighted candle representing the light of God. I recently received a Wood Wick candle that not only burns like a regular candle but also makes a little burning crackling sound much like the sound of a fire but quieter. It is a lovely reminder of God's burning light over me and within me. 

Today I was reading in Ephesians 6. That is the chapter that talks about putting on the full armor of God...something I have known about for years. I gave it a short thought, and I moved on. Something else caught my eye and mind. It is when Paul called himself an "ambassador in chains."

 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, 
words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known 
the mystery of the gospel, for which 
I am an ambassador in chains. 
Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Ephesians 6:19-29

To be in chains can mean many things. It can be mean that you have totally dedicated yourself to a cause, and therefore you have put yourself in chains of dedication to spreading the news of the concept to which you are devoted to. Such a person has chosen above all other choices to do what she is doing, and therefore she has chained herself to it...totally dedicated herself to it. Another interpretation is that the person's choices and dedication may render her to be chained by theology to whom and what she is serving.

The important thing is to be totally committed to the belief that you are following and to accept the chains as the requirements of what you are following. Choose to be committed and welcome the chains that are a part of it. Surrender all to accept the chains that bind you to the lofty things of God.

Heavenly Father,
I am sitting here in the light of this wood wick candle.. The light is beautiful although it is but a pale representation of the light You shine on me. Light my fire today that I may shine in every thing I do and everywhere I go. The candle wood wick makes a small burning sound much like a fire burning. Please lead me in wisdom so that my small fire may be heard this day and continue to burn as you would have it burn. May I also declare your words fearlessly as I should.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we we believe so strongly and dedicate ourselves with such commitment to what we believe that we accept putting ourselves into chains for what we believe.

    God bless...
