
"Seek Him First"...Wednesday

I should not have been surprised today when I searched high and low for an important paper for what it seemed like eternity. Finally I prayed and asked the Lord to help me find this paper and lo and behold I found it within seconds. I could have saved myself a lot of time by just simply asking God first to help me find the paper.
He tells us  in Matthew 6:33 

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 
and all these things shall be added to you." 
Those are not just words, but God's promise to each of us.

The Lord urges us and encourages us to seek Him first in all we do and His righteousness. As we seek Him first and walk in right standing with Him, we can be confident the needs in our life will all fall into place accordingly.
I desire to want to put Him first in every part of my life. He is the one I long for and want to draw close to. He is my God that will meet my every need if I will but fully look to Him every second, minute and hour of my day.
I totally gleaned from my incident today of my "mad search" of an important paper. My Lord stays true to His Word and will fulfill it just as He says He will.
Seek the Lord Almighty first and you will not be disappointed!
Seeking the Lord First, 
Sandy Billingham 

1 comment:

  1. Seeking the Lord us the most important activity a person can undertake, and a good thing about this is the blessings one will receive from the pursuit.

    God bless...
