
The Ending Plan...Tuesday


(Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but  anyone can start today and make a new ending.

~~Maria Robinson)

It is not where I start
It is where I end
Being eager to follow my heart
And, with that core,
                                        courage and given grace I should blend.

Where I am  going must be clear
Following the path which He leads me will I tread
I will be brave and have no fear
Keep moving toward
            to  what is ahead.

But wait, I need to stop and plan
A blueprint of my strategy
Of what to do in my future time span
In my design I need
               to prayerfully consider.

So I head out with confidence
I made a scheme on how to proceed
Reaching out to Him with good conscience
For a fresh good ending
                                  new shoots God will help me to reseed.
©Corinne Mustafa

Very often we are victim to our self evaluation that we are guilty. It starts at a very young when in the socialization efforts of well meaning parents and teachers use discipline that in the end can affect our feelings of self worth for a long time. Children rely on people in their life to help them know what is good and what is not. However, when parents and teachers are not careful to choose words that teach the brand of the discipline has a negative effect. Children look up to parents and believe what they say. They do not have the maturity to realize that what they are hearing may not be anchored in absolute truth.

There is hope here for adult "children" who faced this kind of discipline as a child. There is hope for the adult who has made poor choices in life and may believe that their situation is hopeless. This could not be farther from the truth. You only know what you know when you finally know it. The secret here is to pray about it, get the lesson and let the lesson show you how to be / what to do. At this point, you can repent, forgive yourself, and move on. 

Remember, it is not where you start but where you are when you reach what can be your glorious conclusion.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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