
I Have to Believe...Friday

October 9, 2015         

As I continue to walk through this most difficult time of my life I am holding onto the fact that God has such a much better plan for me.  For the time being I will carry joy in my heart walking through this storm.  It feels like things just keep piling on, as soon as I feel like I have a handle on things, another situation gets me down.  Last week it was my son’s cat that got sick, her prognosis was very bad, so we had to make the decision to put her to sleep.  She was getting pretty old, and I knew that it would be something in the next few years that we would have to deal with. Still, I sure didn't expect that so suddenly.  I think I am handling it pretty well, and then to see both of my sons break down over her was all it took for me to bawl my eyes out.  We all didn’t want her to suffer, and she certainly had no quality of life, (as my youngest son said.)  The cat doctor told me, “He is a very smart young man”.  J

So I take away from that very sad situation the blessing and confirmation once again that both of my sons have grown into two amazingly wonderful, responsible and sensitive young men.   With that knowledge and the fact that God loves me, I know that my life is great!!  I believe God has a way better plan for my life that the one I have been struggling with.  I need to be the positive change that gets me to that point.

  This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up
and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised
 and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. 
I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, 
not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jeremiah 29:11

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, 
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

I just LOVE this scripture.  It is one of the ones that I go to most often.  I love that in The Message it states that He has not abandoned me, because I have really felt like that over the past couple of years with things not getting better. In fact,they have gotten worse at my job, and I have struggled every day to get here without crying.  Holding this scripture is that reassurance that I need to make it each day.Because of this scripture, I am finally at a point, where I can see and KNOW for a fact that God is walking with me.I also know that there will an end to this suffering that I have been putting myself through because of fear and not keeping up the faith, hope and love that He has given me. 

I am so blessed to be able to hold that in my heart.  Yes, each day is still hard, however, it is Him that is getting me through this.  I am able to take each day as it is and be successful in getting through them one at a time.  I am able to treat these people with love, even through the hurt.  It is God that makes that possible for me.  I know that I have many incredible blessings that God has provided, and I am excited to see what the next one is.  I wont’ allow my thinking to take over the love He is giving me each day.  The first thing I do every morning is be grateful to God, and, as I go through my moments of the day and see the fear and stress creeping up, I grab my God box of tools to get me focused back on the positives of God’s love and excitement for the next adventure He has planned.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me everything that I have, as well, as the tools you provide to me every day to see how wonderful your works are.  All I need is you and my world will soar with peace.  Every moment is truly blessed.  Amen!!

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns


  1. Imagine if you had to totally rely on yourself whenever there is a challenge in our lives. What if you could not reach out to God when life is painful and difficult to deal with. We do have the promise in the Bible that He will never leave us or forsake us and that He has a plan for us. What a relief!

    God bless

    1. Yes, indeed, Corinne! I have tried my own way so many times...and guess what?? It just don't work out! Shocking, huh?? :-)

  2. Thank you, Kelly, for sharing the lessons that you are learning about how God is with you even in sorrow and frustration. I have been feeing a bit of this myself, but will continue to praise Him for all that He has given me and for all that He has planned for me -- for all of us! Have a Blessed Day!

    1. Thank you, Lynda!! So happy to bless you!! Me and my stubborn ways have been a challenge for sure. What an amazing God and life we have when we give the piloting back to Him. He's gives abundantly and saves us from ourselves. :-) XOXO
