
I See Dead People...Tuesday


Several years ago there was a movie starring Bruce Willis, called THE SIXTH SENSE. There was a child actor in this film  whose line of note was, "I see dead people." Almost the entire movie had the Bruce Willis character thinking that the boy was either a tad delusional or that he was seeing spirits. Imagine the surprise when the adult realized that the child was talking about him...that he was the dead person.

I like to read obituaries and go to cemetaries. I often say "I see dead people," when I open the newspaper to read about my newly departed "brothers and sisters."  I hope the readers do not consider this habit of mine a bit morbid.  I enjoy knowing the place of birth and date. What was their education and interests. What were their careers? Did they marry? How many children and grandchildren come from the departed person's life here. Yes it is interesting. It goes a step farther toward being able to know "The Dash" of their life. In a way it pays them honor to be found interesting by newspaper readers who never knew them.

It does not give us a complete biography of a person's life to be sure. Still, it is no secret that God knows every detail of this person's biography. He honors them by holding every minute detail of his or her life in a special section of his being...a kind of "The AnnaMay Room" or "The Jac0b Room" where He never forgets what they have done. 

My mother used to say that time passes more quickly as you get older, but old or young your alloted time moves on inexorably to your arrival at whatever place you are meant to go when your days are done. One fine day...or night...we will close our eyes, and then we will open them to vistas different from what we enjoyed on earth. 

Some people fear death. There is not any real need for fear if we have Jesus in our lives. There is a warning with an unspoken promise implied in the Bible that says...

Jesus answered,“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
John 14:5-7

Dear Lord...thank you for giving us a way to be sure that when we find you we need never worry about our future in eternity. Please help all who still do not know to see the truth and accept it. Amen

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that I never need to be doubtful about my being accepted into heaven since I have invited Jesus into my heart to be my personal Lord and Savior, This is all that is needed to seal my future after my death.

    Here is the prayer where that you can say to be "born again" and be welcomed into heaven. "Lord I know that I am a sinner and I cannot achieve anything without you. Please come into my life and become my personal Lord and Savior. Amen."

    God bless...
