
"Your Word"...Wednesday

As I was spending time with the Lord this morning the verse out of Psalm 119:105 came to my mind. Here is what is says;

 "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

As I ponder that verse and asked the Lord what that means, there were several things that came to mind.

His Word literally directs and guides our steps throughout the days and nights of our life. His light shines ever bright upon our paths so we can clearly know the right way to go.

There have been many times I have struggled as to the right decision to make over different circumstances. It was not until I sought out the Lord's counsel as to what to do, did I have a true peace about what steps to take.

The Lord will direct our life and decisions as we cry out for His perfect will. God will give us clarity and remove all confusion as we keep our focus on Him and trust Him as to what the next step is.
I am ever so grateful that God's Word lights the way for my future as I surrender my life fully in His hands. 

In Christ there is no darkness but only His shining light that is ever so bright!

In His Light, 
Sandy Billingham 

1 comment:

  1. For me this was writing brought light to what was challenging to me today. I was so busy that i let the light to out. I wish I had stopped to spend a few minutes in the Word to keep the Light on and move on peacefully.
