

Devotional for 10/18/15

Singing in the Bible is also referred to as making a joyful noise to the Lord. Many of the Psalms say to sing to God, serving him with gladness, thanksgiving, rejoicing and praise.  Some of us love to sing, and sometimes people even love to hear us make that "joyful noise"!  Singing in church is a form of our praise and worship.  When we praise God, we are telling others how great He is.  When we worship God, we are telling God how grateful we are for his love and mercy for us and for the forgiveness He has given us through the sacrifice of his Son.  

We can sing to God even when we are going through difficult times.  It not only serves to show him our gratitude in all things (which is worship), but it also can serve as a witness to others (which is praise).  Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God when they were thrown into prison, making a great witness to the other prisoners and to the prison guard.  Singing spiritual songs can also lift our own spirits when we are troubled, as the words can soothe our own aching hearts.

However, the most beautiful thing the Bible teaches us about singing is that even God sings - and he is singing to us!  

Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)  The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.  
Zephaniah 3:17 (59 kb)
This verse is so full of comfort!  It says all these things: God is with us - always.  God is mighty and saves us - no matter what we  have done.  God takes great delight in us - He is happy with us despite our sinfulness. God will quiet us with his love - we are comforted in his reassuring arms.  And God rejoices over us with singing - He makes a joyful noise even to us, his dear children! 

Dear Lord in heaven, we are ever so grateful for all that you have done for us. We especially sing your praises for your forgiveness of our shortcomings, your support and guidance through rough times, and all of your wonderful blessings, especially the gift of eternal life in heaven with you.  Help us to make a joyful noise unto you in all circumstances, providing a witness to others, and lifting our spirits as we rest in your loving arms.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen


  1. Beautifully written, as always! I am not welcome to sing at church, and miss this ministry very much. It is comforting that God can sing to me, and I know He can hear the song in my heart .

    1. So sorry that you are somehow not welcome to sing at your church. I always say "The Bible says 'make a joyful noise' - it never says it has to be a perfect noise!" Just a grateful noise. May God sing you a lullaby tonight!

  2. Sometimes we get stuck on what we can do for God to praise and worship Him. It is a lovely thought to know that He often sings to us and over us to bless us as well. Amazing!

    God bless...
