


"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, 
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world 
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." 
Ephesians 6:12 

     The church doesn't talk much about Satan these days, even though the world is pointing to his increasing power against the Christian faith and all that is good and just in life.

     Many people don't recognize Satan as a real person but think he is just a "concept" of evil.  Even many Christians don't know that he is a fallen angel and is spoken of as the "angel of light."  His task is to lead us away from the true God and His Word by making other belief systems and things of this world look good.

     He is deceitful in every way and is the father of lies.  The worst part is that everything he does present to mankind he knows is not the truth.  He just wants us to all fall away from God and end up in hell with him.

     Satan fight his battles in your mind.  He wants you to think negative thoughts, be depressor anxious.  He want you to be unsuccessful in life thinking you can't do things.  He wants you to wallow in self-pity or in things which are bad for you.  He want you to be overcome by addictions.  He wants to make your life miserable.

     The only way we can counteract Satan's many avenues of attack on our lives is to counter everything He tells us with the truth of God's Word.  When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan he came back against every temptation with "It is written."  He then quoted Scripture to Satan.  Satan was defeated. 

We can defeat Satan in every area of our lives in which we're being attacked also.  We must know the Word of God.  It must be written upon our hearts.  We must have it continually in our minds.  You can't wrestle evil and win without a weapon.  Take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. 

Written by 
Carol Steficek 


  1. Satan works on our thoughts and feelings trying to steal our joy with his lies. We need to think good thoughts that can be supported by the wisdom to be found in God's Word. Hide it in your heart.

    God bless...

  2. Satan is one of the few angels in the Bible given a name. He is very real and very crafty. The Bible actually says he disguises himself as the angel of light, in order to fool people even to this day. Jesus has defeated him, but he still tempts us with his lies. But God is more powerful. His Word is our defense! Amen!
