
Is Anybody Out There?......Monday

Scrolling through Facebook, looking at the cute pictures and smiling faces, I come across a video about a guy who pretended to be broken down on the side of the road with a flat tire to see if anybody would stop to help.

A few hours later a guy named Eric finally stops. It turns out that Eric had seen the breakdown earlier but hadn't been able to pullover right then.

Watching the video I was moved by the host's decision to not just help Eric for stopping to help him - but he offered him friendship first (Do you want to play <video games> sometime?) Impressed by this attention to Eric as a person and not just as a guy in a social experiment, I determined to share this video.

Getting ready to write to you I discovered that a follow up video had been posted. Ryan, the host, explained that in 4 days, people from all over the world had reached out to Eric 'the helper' with their own brand of caring.

First Video where we meet Eric

Hammy TV - Will Anybody Help Me?

We Find Out How Eric's Doing

Hammy TV - Thank You to Everyone

Eric finds out firsthand that there are many people in the world who actually care about him. It is all very moving and encouraging. Then I ask myself, "Am I Being a Helper?" Do I do anything in a week that is a kindness? No really, I don't mean nice things where I get something back, like meeting a friend for coffee. But am I awake to any possibilities that cross my path to be a friend to someone who needs one?

As we head into the holiday season there will be people all around us who have no place to belong during all of the festivities. They could be our co-workers, our neighbors, and even some of our family, friends, and acquaintances.  

Be full of love for others,
following the example of Christ who loved you
and gave himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins.
And God was pleased,
for Christ’s love for you was like sweet perfume to him.
Ephesians 5:2 TLB

Dear Lord, please open our eyes and expand our minds to recognize how we can show kindness to strangers (see Hebrews 13:2). Please show us the way to be thoughtful and authentic to the people we meet. May we be gracious, kind, and considerate; showing Your love to others in tangible ways. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by
Mary M. Wilkins

            The story of the good Samaritan
                             Luke 10:25-37

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