
One Day at a Time...Tuesday


So it is already back to standard time. The month of November has raced into its third day. I am trying to keep ahead of the game this year. I have tried to do this other years with varying degrees of success. This year I am thinking that if I can get things done a bit earlier, it will be easier to keep my priorities in correct order and to always be mindful of the Reason for the season. So far I have planned when I want to have my lights put up by my son. I have already gotten my Christmas cards printed, and I am planning to address fifteen or twenty a day. I have made a list, and I am checking it twice so to speak...lol. We bought a new tree this year. I have seventeen mangers of different sizes that I plan to put out. My favorite one is the one my father and mother bought in 1941, the year they were married. There will be mangers in every room.

As I am writing this I am thinking of the bustle in the stores. In the middle of October Macy's was already putting up decorations and setting up the Christmas shop on the third floor. I remember wondering if we were skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving this year. I felt a bit insulted that this was what happens these days. When I was growing up in the days of old...that would be the forties and fifties...Christmas did not start until after Thanksgiving. The leaves and pumpkins had been thrown away and the orange and brown decorations were replaced by red and green. The newspaper started printing a serial Christmas story every day.  That was when the Christmas season began in those days.

So here I am starting early just like everyone else. My reasons are not due to retail greed, it is just that I am busy and want to get ahead of the game. Still I am thinking that I should not get into the rat race. I should take every day that God gives me on its own terms and enjoy it. Get the work of the day done and fit in what I can. Wait til December to focus on the preparations for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

For the next two months honor God by accepting His gifts of each day. Talk to Him when you start to feel spazzy, and ask Him to help you calm down. Enjoy the season and try to avoid it controlling you..

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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