
"Keep Your Gaze Upon Him"...Wednesday


I find every time that when I direct my gaze upon Jesus and stayed fixed on Him, the things of this life cannot overwhelm me. He is where my strength and peace come from. He is the one that lifts me up and reminds me that He will take care of things that need to be tended to.

He tells us...
 "Let your eyes look straight ahead, 
And your eyelids look right before you. 
Ponder the path of your feet, And let all you ways be established."
Proverbs 4:25-26
It must be an intentional decision each and every moment as to where we set our gaze. It is easy to get caught up in the moment of whatever that circumstance is. It can pull us down and distract us from the giver of life. So as we ponder the path of our feet, we must choose life.

As we full engage in the Lord and fix our eyes upon Him He will establish our ways. We will be rooted and grounded in Him.
So the next time I am feeling overwhelmed, I will intentionally set my gaze upon Him.  I will cast all my cares upon Him and He will lift me up and remind me that I am forever His!
Forever His! 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Let us be established in the ways that You show us Lord so that we make walk in your shadow forever. Thank you, God.May our God bless you abundantly as you gaze upon Him and follow His ways forever.
