
Teach Your Children Well...Tuesday


This is an amazing post that my cousin Gayle shared of a precious conversation she had with her two grandsons. Austin is nine and Aidan is five. Gayle calls her grandson Austin, "Bub." I think you will find this very interesting.

But Jesus called the children to him and said,
 “Let the little children come to me, 
and do not hinder them,
 for the kingdom of God 
belongs to such as these. 
Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive
 the kingdom of God like a little child
 will never enter it.”

                            Luke 18:15-17

Conversation with Bub (my grandson Austin):

Austin: Hey Grama? Have you talked to the Pastor to set up a date for me to be baptized?
Grama: Not yet honey, I think the Pastor wants to talk to you first, make sure you understand what you did.
Austin: Understand what? Asking Jesus in my heart?
Me: Yes.
Austin: I did that. Remember Grama you and Mom prayed with me?
Grama: I know honey, but do you understand what that means?
Bub: That Jesus lives in my heart?
Grama: Yes...what else?
Austin: Mmm, I don't know?
Grama: Do you know that by praying to ask Jesus into your heart it saves you?
Austin: Yes.
Austin: Wait, Grama...how did he save me?
Grama: Do you know what sin is?
Austin: When I make mistakes?
Grama: Yes. Sometimes we sin against God.
Austin: But He still loves us though, right Grama?
Grama: He absolutely does!!!
Austin: So he saved me from my sins?
Grama: How did he save you lovey?
Austin: On the cross?
Grama: Yep...what else do you know?
Austin: I'm going to heaven when I die?
Grama: Yup...you sure are!
Austin: When will I see your mom again.
Grama: When you get to Heaven honey, Grama Grizzly went to Heaven remember?
Austin: Oh yeah... frown emoticon
Grama: Don't be sad she's happy there.
Austin: When we go to Heaven will we hurt still? Like a broken arm or leg or something?
Grama: No sweetie, no one hurts in Heaven.
Austin: Hey Grama? Can I ask you something else?
Grama: Sure honey. Go ahead!
Austin: What exactly is Hell?
Grama: An eternity without Christ.
Austin: What's an eternity?
Grama: Forever.
Austin: So...(trying to figure it out)...if I don't have Jesus in my heart then I go to Hell when I die?
Grama: Yes lovey. It's sad huh?
Austin: Yeah. But I'm going to Heaven. _xxx_ doesn't have Jesus in their heart, will they go there when they die?
Grama: Yes, honey, you will go there.
Austin: I don't want them to go there. frown emoticon
Grama: Then we need to pray for them to find Jesus, and share what we know with them.
Austin: Okay. (pauses) Hey Grama?
Grama: Yeah Bub?
Austin: Did you know over 3% of the people on Earth don't have enough food and they're starving?

Grama: No...I didn't know.
Austin: I don't like that either.
Grama: That's sad too, huh? All we can do is pray they receive food.

Austin: I'm praying right now! (bows his head, closes his eyes and prays while his little brother watches.)
Aidan: He's still praying Grama.
Grama: There's lots of kids starving baby.
Aidan: Oh...I better pray too!

One of our most important activities is to teach our children and grandchildren about God, salvation, willingness to help others, and to pray. We are the first line of education for our children and grandchildren. As they grow this is supplemented by Kid's Church and the activities done to teach them the stories in the Bible. All of this knowledge should be added to as they grow up so that they can become adults who walk with the Lord.

As I read this conversation that Gayle was having with two very young grandsons one phrase kept running through my mind....
"Out of the Mouths of Babes"

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

This is not a Christian Song but it speaks to the
importance of parents sharing their beliefs and
interests with their children leading them to know
and love what their parents know and love.

Start children off on the way they should go, 
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

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