
We Are The World...Monday

11/ 16/15

My daughter in law rushed into the room with eyes wide and anxiety in her voice announcing Paris was being attacked. We all froze for a few seconds and then rushed to watch live news coverage. As the camera footage revealed the terrible carnage, pain, and fear - my breathe caught as I thought of the horror and sorrow flooding through these people's lives.

Today, Monday, is the third day of national mourning in France. Countries all over the world have expressed not only their sorrow, but their support to stand by France in the days to come. In a matter of minutes, differences between governments have taken a back seat to the priority of supporting one another in a time of crisis.

As we head into the Thanksgiving season, I am grateful for the nations who have been our friends through the years. I pray that the French people will know that it is not just our government but the American people who stand with them and care about what has happened to them.

In 1985, Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson wrote a song, an anthem really, about standing together to affect change in the world. The song, We Are the World, raised awareness and funding for African Famine Relief. The words remind us that when we care for others, we are caring for ourselves in the long run.

On Saturday, cadets at West Point carried the French flag in memory of the victims in Paris.

Dear Lord, please pour out Your peace and strength on everyone who is grieving in the world. Please help us to remember to pray for those in harm's way and for those who are striving to protect us from terrorists attacks. As our governments work together we pray that You will anoint their leadership and guide them in the path of righteousness. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

We Are the World, 1985

1 comment:

  1. Today in our message our pastor, Larry Ihrig was talking about how God was manifested in the hearts of people who were horrific people to be feared. The best example he showed was Saul of Tarsus. He had been fighting and killing Christians...the total enemy. He fell off his horse or donkey and became blind by the roadside. He remained blind for several days. When he regained his sight he was a changed person. He no longer persecuted Christians and most of the New Testament was written by him. Pastor Larry suggested that we pray for our modern day enemies that God would touch them and change their hearts. This is a good plan at this time when the world is shaking from terrorism that hits with total surprise and vengeance,
