
"Abundantly Pardons"...Wednesday

Several months ago I had not treated one of my brother's in Christ very nicely in a certain situation. The upcoming weeks prior to that time, the Holy Spirit  would gently nudge me and remind me to go to my brother and ask for forgiveness. In response to that each time, I would justify my actions. You see my heart was not right before God or my brother.
Finally this past Sunday, I had had  enough of my selfish excuses and my lack of obedience onto Jesus. I decided to lovingly and humbly  get the situation taken care of. And that  is exactly  what I did. I asked my brother if he would forgive me for how I treated him.  I shared that he truly did not deserve that at all. He was more than willing to forgive me and  had actually forgotten  about it.
Why I waited so long was quite foolish but I feel so relieved  and at peace. I felt like a burden had been lifted off of my shoulders. I know my Heavenly  Father had forgiven me, but I needed to take  it a step further to make it complete. 

That is just like our Father. He so abundantly pardons! He is always waiting for us to come to Him and make things right so He can grant us His peace and rest.

His Word says...  
"Seek  the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near, 
Let the wicked  forsake his  way, And  the unrighteous  man his thoughts; 
Let him return to the Lord, And  He will have mercy on him; 
And to our God, For  He will abundantly pardon."
 Isaiah 55:6-7

Our  God is always  willing to forgive and pardon our sins  if  we will but ask. He will not  hold back on us. He so graciously pours out  His mercy on us.
We have a good, good Father who dearly loves us and with great abundance pardon our sins. That is  just who He is!!!
In His Great  Forgiveness,
Sandy Billingham  


1 comment:

  1. Good Job...you did the right thing...way to go! Thanks for sharing, Sandy!
