
Love That Endures...Thursday


For one brief moment I abandoned you. In a quick burst of anger, I rejected you and hid My face from you, leaving you to feel deserted and alone.

But I love you with a love that endures the ages and loves you forever. With enormous compassion I will gather you back to me. With great mercy, I will forgive and protect. With kindness, I will bring you to Me. With tenderness, I will embrace you again.

That is what I say. And I am the Lord, your Redeemer.

Isaiah 54.7-8

When you wake up feeling alone and disconnected because of the challenges in your life life, when you are in the dark valley under the shadows of your situations and it becomes hard to see, that is when you need to rest on the wing of His promises.

“He, Himself said I will never leave you nor forsake you." Heb 13.5  and, “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.Psalm 30.5.

May the Grace of our Lord strengthen and uphold you through this moment of uncertainty. May you receive the strength to stay on course, no matter the pain or pressure, until the light breaks through, in Jesus name, amen.

Written by 
Brother Thomas Ukwute, Nigeria
       Edited by Jody Ward

1 comment:

  1. This is what God tells us in Scripture...that He will always be there for us. What a secure feeling that gives us because we know that we can believe and rely on it.This is the theme of our writing today by Brother Thomas Ukwute.
