
"God's Love Has No Boundaries!"...Wedmesday

What does it really mean to love someone unconditionally? One definition I read said; "love  without conditions; complete love; affection without any limitations; not expecting anything in return or in other  words loving that person even when you know that it may never come back to you."
Those are all classic definitions of what it really means  to love someone unconditionally, in which  I  realize I have a long ways to go. I guess I am a slow learner but I am  certainly willing for the Lord to teach me how, and  show me more how to apply that in my life. I truly want to walk that kind of love out in a tangible way.
We are to walk  in the image of our Heavenly Father, and that is fully how He loves each and everyone of us. He doesn't look at us with all of  our weaknesses but sees us as  His beautiful sons and daughters.  He always stands before us with open  arms, no matter what we have done in the  past or about to do in the future.
His Word tells us  in 1 Corinthians 13:7-10 (Phillips New Testament)  

"Love knows no limit to its endurance,  
no end to its trust,  no fading of its hope, 
it can outlast anything. It  is, in fact, the one thing 
that still stands when all else has fallen."

That is how our Jesus loves and as we draw closer to Him and become more intimate with Him, we can love as  He loves. 
God's Love will never fail us and forever has no boundaries! My prayer today is, "Jesus, teach me to love just like you all my days."

In His Never Failing Love,
Sandy Billingham

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