
Grace Is the Glue...Thursday


And in a powerful way, the apostles gave their witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. They told their story, their account of the events, and of how the Lord Jesus was truly now alive. They duly-gave all the details and delivered their testimony with strength, ability and energy.

Great grace rested richly on them all and was powerfully at work in them all. God greatly blessed His followers with loving-kindness, favor and goodwill.

Acts 4.33

The difference between the ordinary and the extra ordinary, is grace.

The ingredient that produces excellence in a man, is grace. The power that accelerates a person to prominence, is grace. The glue that holds the creative idea and the productivity together, is grace. The hard work and prosperity, is grace.

The pillar that holds together the faithfulness, the anointing, the unction and passion of the Holy Spirit is grace. The unlimited progress in the fulfillment of our destiny, is grace.

The overall materialization of the success, the excellence, the productivity, the prosperity and the prominence we expect and hope for, depends on the release of God's great Grace upon our lives.

May the the Lord release on you the great Grace that will power total restoration and provide unlimited access to the treasures of heaven, in Jesus name amen.

Written by Brother Thomas Ukwute, Anchor of Hope, Nigeria
        Edited by Jody Ward

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about the many ways grace is applied...it was quite a list to read and think about. It is a gift of God that comes without any need to earn it. That is just how our Father is.

    God bless...
