
"Make Known His Wondrous Deeds!"...Wednesday

Today was a pretty eventful day as I and many others had an opportunity to minister to the homeless in the heart of our city. Unfortunately there are literally hundreds and hundreds in our city. Many are homeless by choice and many are homeless by "no where else to go."
We circled the area several times praying for the Lord to touch their hearts and bring life to them, as well as pushing back the darkness. We prayed a protective covering over everyone and the power of God's blood to soak us. We then begin to move inside the area and reach out to the people asking if they would like prayer. Many of them accepted prayer and some were not interested. 

One particular person I reached out to immediately said yes to prayer. As I asked him what I could pray for, his eyes lit up as he begin to share. He said he was very grateful that after being on the streets for 10 years he now had a home. He also had recently lost his wife. He specifically wanted me to pray with him on thanking the Lord for providing a home for him. He wanted to make known the glorious deeds of the Lord.

We prayed together and rejoiced together for God's great provision for him. He was one grateful guy! I also prayed for his heart in the loss of his wife. He walked away with peace and continued gratefulness!

God's Word tells us in 1 Chronicles 16:8 
"Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
 Call upon His name;
 make known His deeds 
among the peoples!

We are to always be thankful at all times for all of God's goodness just like the man that shared with me. God is pleased with thankful hearts and he wants us to share with others His great deeds!!

So the next time the Lord blesses your life, make it known among the peoples and rejoice and tell of all of His glorious works!!! For He is ever worthy for His wondrous works all the days of our life!!

With Rich Gratitude, 
Sandy Billingham

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