
Our Beloved Brother...Thursday

Immediately after John baptized Him, He cane up out of the water ad the heavens opened up to Jesus. And John saw the Spirit of God descending out of heaven like a dove landing and settling on Him.

And when that happened, John heard a voice from heaven saying, “This is my dearly loved Son, chosen and marked by My love. I am very pleased with Him, He is the delight of My heart, and He brings Me great joy.
Matthew 3.16-17

When Jesus was baptized three things took place.

1.    The heavens opened up to Him.

Lord, we pray that the You will cause the heavens above us to be opened, releasing on us the anointing that will bring freedom and victory to those we know and those we will meet. We pray that He fills our lives with grace and causes the favor of God to follow our lives life and our daily ministry, in Jesus name.

2.    John saw the Spirit of God descending upon Him.

Lord, we ask that your children will see the work of the Holy Spirit within them and to give them the results now that they have desired for a long time.  May the next few days be exceptional at every level, in Jesus name.

3.    The voice endorsed Jesus saying “This is my Son.”

Oh Lord may we go in Your endorsement to bring down the walls of the enemy. May we go in the strength of the Spirit to dismantle every obstacle and every barrier on our way, in Jesus name.

We proclaim success into our lives and into our work in the coming days. Crown our efforts with accomplishment for the eternal, in the name of Jesus Amen

Written by Brother Thomas Ukwute, Anchor of Hope, Nigeria 
        Edited by Jody Ward

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