
Always Declare His Greatness...Thursday


over every aspect of a difficulty.

For the Spirit God has given us is not a spirit of cowardice or fear. Instead, He has given us a spirit of power and of love. The gift God gave is not a spirit of cowardice and cringing weakness. In its place He has given us a spirit of strength and wisdom, calmness and a sound mind. This results in us being well balanced, strong, disciplined and self-controlled, able to be bold, loving and sensible, all at the same time.
2 Timothy 1.7

God's grace is stronger than my weaknesses. His power is stronger than my fears. His wisdom is deeper and smarter than my questions. The power of His love is the force that conquers the most wicked heart. His blood is the only power that can cleanse sin and bring redemption. His name is the only tower of safety for the righteous.

You were created for excellence so do not let any situation tell you otherwise. The present situation that confronts you does not, and cannot, define what you will become in God's hand tomorrow.

Don't doubt His gifts, His Spirit, His grace, His love, His wisdom, His power or His name. No matter how tough the situation might be, continue to declare His greatness over every aspect of your difficulty.

Written by Brother Thomas Ukwute
  Via Jody Ward

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