
"Be Strong and of Good Courage!",,,Wednesday


I recently visited Washington state to see my son and his wife.  Our youngest son came with us as well. One of the places we visited was Ruby Beach, which is a part of the Pacific Ocean. It was breathlessly beautiful!!
As we walked down to the beach area we came across a small body of water on the beach. If you wanted to explore more on the beach, one of the options was to cross this small body of water.  One area had large but narrow logs you could cross to get to the other side. My husband and older son crossed it with no problem and enjoyed walking a greater expanse of the beach. I decided to try and my younger son followed right  behind me. I got half-way and I froze. It was much more challenging the remainder of the cross. I just couldn't bring myself to finish even though my son was spurring me on. My husband spotted from afar and came to the rescue with a tall,solid stick in which I used as leverage in the water to finish to the other side.  
That is just how our God is to us. He is always spurring us on and gently assuring us He will help us get to the other side. In fact His Word tells us...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; 
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God
 is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 
Our Lord is always whispering in our ear that in Him we can be strong and courageous. We do not have to be afraid in any life circumstance. He will provide  whatever is necessary at any given time if we will but look onto Him.
I will have to tell you that my "log crossing experience" was a life lesson for me in which I will not easily forget. In order to get to the other side, my eyes must be fixed on Him fully, knowing He will supply what it takes for promised Victory ahead!!
In  His Strength and Courage,Sandy Billingham 

1 comment:

  1. I like it so much when a writer takes an ordinary happening in his or her life and draws spiritual truths and meanings from it. This writing does just that!

    God bless
