
Golden Rule...Tuesday


Bear ye one another's burdens, 
and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Have sympathy; feel for each other; 
and consider the case of 
a distressed brother as your own. 
Galatians 6:2

At the beginning of a New Year many are focused on making changes that will provide us fulfillment because of the effects the improvements give to how the New Year unfolds.

When you fulfill the law of Christ, the law or commandment that says, "You shall love one another as you love yourselves," or the one that says, 'Treat all people as you would like them to treat you" you are on the right track.

We should be indulgent to the infirmities of others as we can be, consistent with truth and righteousness. Our brother's infirmity may be his burden, and if we do not choose to help him to bear it, we must not reproach him because he is obliged to carry the load.

When we lovingly choose to treat others well we are also treating ourselves well. Loving one another creates an atmosphere where our new year will turn out to be a better year than the ones that proceeded it.

Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. Such a perfect way to order our lives to love all because they are our "brothers and sisters" when we do not feel it due to relationship but rather as a chosen rule for our behavior.

    God bless...
