
Creating Change....Monday


We sat around bouncing babies on our knees as the squeals of toddlers and children nearby filled the air. Sitting in the sunshine at the park - taking a break from our routines at home - discussing rashes, baby food, and sleep schedules, we moved on to the hottest topic of all - how to get/stay organized.

"I wish I had a week with no other responsibilities so I could finally sort through all those boxes in our shed," Susan declared with a long sigh.

Everyone nodded in wishful agreement - thinking of her own challenge - hoping but not believing - yet dreaming of a life organized. Since wet diapers and hungry mouths directed the course of our days - organizing could only be done in very little steps. I would dream of the day when my children were just a bit older and somewhat self-sufficient. Then I would be able to do so much more.

Anyone who has jumped in with both feet understands that organizing is far more complicated than just having enough time. Like many things in our lives, what we have and what we keep, have strong emotional roots. How we keep our stuff sorted or organized is based on habit. No one knows this better than the creator of www.flylady.net 

This motivational website is 1 part organization, 2 parts humor, and 3 parts encouragement. Her guiding rule is 'you can do it in baby steps.' Life management books also point out that few people have the freedom to set all of life aside to focus on one thing at a time. Most of us have to keep going with work, family, and 100's of other responsibilities - so we must juggle to carve out a little time (to take baby steps) for special projects.

No matter what our goal is for 2016, we can do it in baby steps! 

Want to read a scripture or devotional everyday? Put a book in front of something you already do every day like the coffee pot, or cereal box, or go to www.biblegateway.com and sign up to receive a devotional or scripture text every day.

Wish you made it to church every week? Make a date to meet a friend there and go out to eat afterwards!

Wish you could easily find that piece of paper you need on your desk at home or at work? Check out this clear cut plan for dealing with the abundance of paper in our lives: http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/1013.html 

No matter what kind of change we are facing or striving to accommodate in our lives - we do not have to walk this path alone. There are people out there who are trying to create positive change in their lives too. Many of them have websites, Facebook pages, and YouTube videos where they share the ups and downs of their own journeys. Maybe you should write a blog about your 2016 process!

I pray this so that you will be able 
to decide what really matters
 and so you will be sincere and blameless
 on the day of Christ.
Philippians 1:10 CEB

Dear Lord,

Thank You for blessing us with a new year. No matter what kind of challenges we see ahead, please help us to trust You. May we face our fears with courage and remember that You are with us always, holding us in the palm of Your hand where no one, not one, can take us away from You (see John 10:28). Thank you that no horror, no sadness, no sin can separate us from Your love (see Romans 8:39), In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Lauren Daigle performs "Trust In You"

1 comment:

  1. These are some excellent tips about change and how to find suggestions in how to achieve it.

    God bless
