

Devotional for 1/10/16

There has been a lot of rain falling causing flooding in some areas not used to so much water.  Heavy precipitation can wreak havoc, washing away things of value, causing mudslides, even causing loss of life by drowning.  Sometimes our lives are like that.  We feel as though we are drowning in troubles or sorrows. We may feel so overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives that we can't even breath.  All we want is for someone to throw us a life preserver!  But that same rain falling from the sky can bring relief from drought, replenishing ground water, nourishing the roots of trees and promoting new plant growth.  Heavy rains can bring both drowning and new life.

The waters of baptism also bring death and life, spiritually.  Baptism is God giving us the gift of his Holy Spirit.  It causes a drowning of the old self - the sin and the rebellion of our humanness.  It washes away our sins and cleanses us spiritually.  That gift of the Spirit in baptism plants faith in our hearts and gives us new life in Christ.  As we continue feeding that faith, our spiritual life grows, and new life can be brought to others also through our witness to them.  Our Baptism is our greatest life preserver!

Psalm 51:1-2 (NIV)  Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.  Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
Psalm 51:1-2 (36 kb)

This week our church celebrates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.  It was punctuated by the descent of the Spirit like a dove from the heavens.  God declared that this was his beloved Son with whom he was pleased.  And because of Jesus' death and resurrection on the cross, our faith in his salvation allows God to see us through Christ and say the same to us - "With you I am well pleased!"

Dear Father in heaven: Thank you for the gift of your Son who died and rose again so that I might live forever with you in heaven.  And thank you for your gift of  the Holy Spirit in my baptism, which planted faith in my heart so that I can believe in you and your promise of eternal life in heaven.  Help me to daily die to sinfulness and live in faith as a witness to others.  For your glory I ask this, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen



  1. Read Psalm 51 in full. It presents a perfect model for us in what to do when we have disobeyed God's Precepts. Not only does David admit his failing and nature but also he asks God to create in him a clean heart. This is what is required in our attitude to gain God's forgiveness.

    God bless...

  2. God forgives us out of his own grace and mercy, not based on anything we do. Our repentance and contrite hearts show our thankfulness and gratitude for that free gift of forgiveness. :)
