


"Having believed, 
you were marked in him with a seal, 
the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit 
guaranteeing our inheritance..." 
Ephesians 1:13b- 14a


We all have an inner life with God, a place only to be shared with Him.  This is the place that stands apart from the world and all of its pressures and all of the ways it  calls us
     The inner life is where God spends time with us individually.  This is the place where we see Him in His Word and through prayer.  It's in our inner life where we make commitments and resolutions and we listen to God and not the world so we can go out and do what He wants us to do with our lives.  This is also the place God feeds us and gives us wisdom and strength so we can go out into the world, knowing He walks with us every step of the way.

    Take time every day with God to renew your inner life.  This life is the beginning of eternity as we walk with God here by faith and not by sight, until we see our inheritance face to face.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. God is always with us in our inner lives with Him.
    We never need to worry and we should meet Him there so that he can share in the wisdom He is giving to us.
