
"Mind Of Christ"...Wednesday


I realize more and more each day how very important it is to fill my mind  with the Word of God. As  I do that on a continuous basis, the Lord  will  give me His revelation, thoughts and so much more of Him.
His  Word  tells us ...
  "For "who has  known  
the mind of the Lord  that he may instruct  Him?"
  But we have  the Mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:16
The Word tells us that we as God's  people  have the mind of Christ. When we choose to fill our minds  with His Word  and allow Him to consume our thoughts,  we truly will  have  the mind of Christ. As we dwell on  Christ  and  His Word and listen intently onto Him, our minds will be saturated with our Lord's very thoughts and ways.
I find if I am anxious or discouraged, I remind  myself  to fix my thoughts and heart upon Jesus and His  Word. It certainly does not take long before those feelings begin to melt and have no place  in my life.
I am ecstatic to be His daughter, have His inheritance  and be able to function spiritually with the mind of Christ as I press into Him.
All the more, I will draw near to my Father and put my ear to His mouth and wait and listen to all the glorious words that He will share with me. That is a good place to be!!
In His Love, 
Sandy Billingham 


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. If we can just learn to just pause and say, or even think, "...Jesus..." throughout the day; so many of our problems would no longer be just our problems, but moments of comfort with the Lord...
