
Embrace Lessons in Valley Experiences...Thursday


Even when I walk through the deepest, darkest canyon, I will not fear evil because I know You are close beside me. And when my path takes me through the valley without sun, shadowed by death itself, I will not be afraid, knowing You are with me and walk with me.

Your Shepherd’s rod is there to protect me and Your staff will guide me. They comfort and console me, making me feel secure.
Psalm 23.4

In the journey of life, there are mountaintop experiences where things go so easy and the enjoyment of life is at its best. There are also valley experiences where it feels like you are alone in the world, like there is no help around. Friends, family and loved ones seem to stand far away watching you as you travel the dark, lonely road of pain, rejection, opposition and misrepresentation.

But this is a valuable time. The good thing about the valley is that growth and maturity take place there. It is in the valley that we learn obedience, commitment, consecration and loyalty. In the darkest valley is where we learn dependence on the infallible word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

In the sunless valley, we appreciate the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Our walk through the valley is where we develop rock solid faith that can withstand any challenge on the mountaintop.

The key to surviving the pain of the valley experience is in the promise of our King. He never fails. No situation is too big that His power cannot solve. No night is so dark that His light cannot shine through.

…for He has said, 
“I will never, under any circumstances, desert you 
or give you up or leave you without support. 
Nor will I in any degree leave you helpless, 
nor will I forsake you or let you down or relax 
my hold on you. Assuredly not!
Hebrews 13.5 Amplified Bible

Remember that the warriors of the cross are made in the valley before they are displayed on the mountaintop.

Do not despise the experience of the valley on your Christian journey because faithfulness in that valley is the glory on mountaintop.

Written by Brother Thomas Ukwate
        via Jody Ward, Editor



  1. When we are in the middle of a valley experience we often become fixed on the challenge and give no credence to it that it could be a space in the middle of a learning curve.Brother Thomas and Jody have made some very good points about the value of time spent in the valley.

  2. Oh! How I love this message. Thank you, Brother Thomas and Jody!
