
My Mess is His...Friday

January 29, 2016

Recently I was watching a TV program in which a young man sang the following song to his love interest.  There are some really sweet lyrics with the intent to be a song for lovers; however, as I am listening to the words a very different interpretation was spoken to me.  The lyrics are as follows:

"Mess Is Mine" 
By Vance Joy

Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaping up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out

Do you like walking in the rain?
When you think of love, do you think of pain?
You can tell me what you see
I will choose what I believe

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

Your mess is mine

See you in the marketplace
Walking 'round at 8 am
Got 2 hours before my flight
Luck be on my side tonight

You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all the time
Or did I give enough of mine?

Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine
Oh, Now your mess is mine
Oh, Your mess is mine

Bring me to your house
And tell me "sorry for the mess"
Hey, I don't mind
You're talking in your sleep
All the time
Well, you still make sense to me
Your mess is mine

Your mess is mine
This body's yours and this body's mine
Your mess is mine

“Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaping up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out”

This chorus gives me the message to talk to God about everything.  It is always Him and Me….He is always right with me, always listening and always there to keep me in check…whether I am coming or going, all I have to do is reach out to Him.  There should never be a moment of talking like we used to do….I should always be in continually conversation with Him.

“Do you like walking in the rain?
When you think of love, do you think of pain?
You can tell me what you see
I will choose what I believe”

I especially love this chorus just for the fact that it talks about rain.  Yes, I love walking in the rain and everything about the rain.  In regards to thinking of love and thinking of pain, yes, I have related the two because of past hurts; I then allowed myself to become negative regarding love, which also equals pain.  Through the love of Jesus I have learned that love is an incredible thing, and if I keep the focus on God’s love it will make all the difference.  Humans will always hurt each other.  I know I have given my share of hurt to others as well.  I strive to keep love in the proper category and with that I will be able to keep the joy in my heart to show others an example of God’s love for us all.

“Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine

Your mess is mine”

This body of mine is His….He created me in His own imagine.  This truth puts me in the mindset of taking better care of my body.  I want to honor Him by keeping this body in good shape….being healthy to show Him that I respect and love this gift He has blessed me with.

I also know that any mess I have I am able to give to Him.  I share everything with Him and He is always going to walk me through my messes.  He will never leave me, turning to Him may even turn a mess into a miracle.

“You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all the time
Or did I give enough of mine?”

No more perfect truth can be stated…  He is the reason that I am so strong.  I have been so down and out….feeling like I cannot possibly go on…and then I focus my eyes upon Jesus…and with that; I know I will be more than okay.  He is my strength and my reason for hanging on...I will strive to give Him more of me; To awaken with Him and continue to keep my thoughts upon Him throughout the day….all moments…happy, sad and everything in between.

He is enough and always will be.  I will keep my heart, eyes and ears intentionally open to all He provides.  There is nothing I will be in need of when I keep my path on the Lord. Scripture says...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6


Written by
Kelly Dobyns



  1. Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and should be considered as such. We are now the temple where God lives just as He did in ancient days in the temple. He created us for fellowship with him and He has it by indwelling in us. Amazing to consider!!!

    God bless...

  2. I love this, "He is enough and always will be." If we can remember this fact, so much of what we worry about would simply dissolve. We all have real, earthly problems, but how much sweeter life is when we remind ourselves of His everlasting love!
