
Brought to Completeness..........Thursday


And when you come to Jesus, you are in Him. You are whole through your union with Christ and there is nothing lacking that needs to be added. You have been filled by Him with the fullness of life, God life, because just like Jesus, you too are filled with the the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and this is how you reach your full spiritual stature.

In Christ you have been brought to completeness. You stand fully grown in Christ, because you belong to Jesus. You are not a seedling that needs to grow in order to be wholly in Jesus. You are entirely in Christ now.

And Jesus is the head of all every angelic principality and heavenly power. He is in charge of every earthly ruler, every kingdom, every home and every heart.  His rule and authority extends over everything.

We are complete in Christ and Christ is over all things.
Colossians 2.10

Don't let any situation belittle who you are in Christ. Don’t let any circumstance depreciate the fullness of Christ in you.

In Him, we were chosen from the foundation of the world. In Him, we are more than conquerors. In Him we are blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places. In Him we have access to His grace in which we stand. In Him we live and breathe and have our being.

So let nothing make you feel less than what He says you are. Stand on it. Be bold about it. And proclaim it wherever you go. 

Written by
Brother Thomas Ukwute
  via Jody Ward, Edit


1 comment:

  1. Oh, how the world tries to make us feel like we are less than and unworthy. If we are financially rich, we must be dishonest. If we struggle to just get by, than we must have done something to deserve poverty. But when we KNOW that we are loved by the Lord our God; our life circumstances can become unimportant.

    We are covered by HIS Grace every day!
