
I JUST KNOW...............Saturday


"For the law was given through Moses' 
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.  
No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, 
who is at the Father's side, has made him known." 
John 1:17, 18

     Since the creation of the world God has made Himself known to mankind.  He has done this through His marvelous works, and through the promises the patriarchs and prophets knew from experience and a relationship with Him.

     Now we have the written Word of God in the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit and passed down through generations to us today.  We also now have scientific discoveries which can point only to "intelligent design" rather than evolution.  And we have archaeological finds every year which confirm the historicity of Scripture.

     The Christian faith is not "blind."  We can't see God face-to-face right now, but we do follow a God we can know intimately and experience fellowship with.  Christ's disciples went from cowardly deniers who hid after the crucifixion to bold proclaimers of the Word after Jesus' resurrection.  Except for John, they all died as martyrs for their faith.  The same continues today.  Many people are dying every year from persecution for their Christian faith.

     This is not something which can be explained to a non-believer.  This is not revealed through the mind, or by intellectual knowledge.  It is revealed by the gift of the Holy Spirit into a person's heart. How do I know all this is true?  I just know.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. When I read the title of this devotional I thought about faith. Some people find it hard to deal with facts that are not provable and just are known. With the Word as a definitive resource for what we need to believe and know, and for people who will share what they know and soon you will also just KNOW.
