
"God Is Our Master Designer".....Wednesday


We were created for "Greatness" by our Master Designer, Jesus Christ. When  He created each one of us He had "good works" in mind for us! 

In His Word  it says...

"For  we are His workmanship, 
created for good works, 
which God prepared beforehand 
that we should walk in them."
Ephesians  2:10 

We are His beautiful work of art, fully molded and shaped and created in His likeness and for His Glory. God had the very best  in mind for each of us individually. He prepared all that we needed  to  walk with Him on this 
earth. Our part is to listen and  obey and fully walk that out. What a joy to be known as  His  workmanship and to have  great purpose  each and every day of  our life.

I  choose to trust in my Master Designer! Having  that in mind, we know we  are in the best of hands!
In His Hands, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. There is no doubt of who we are to God, but it still boggles the mind. God finished His creation and then He created his Magnum Opus...humans are the work of his hands and we are forever thankful.

    God bless...
