
A Joyful Heart Will Thrive.......Friday

February 5, 2016

I recently had a realization that even though I feel like I have been letting go of things over the years, I have left many of them stuffed deep inside.  I know that I am a “stuffer”  of feeling, burying them underneath it all, therefore, causing an explosion over something really rather trivial.   After allowing myself to see the truth of it all, I have truly been able to live a much more joyful and peaceful daily life, and with this has come a level of comfort with myself that I am sincerely thriving on.  Totally surrendering to God, allowing Him to maneuver my path with a complete faith                                                                                          in Him has changed my heart.  

 I will give you a new heart 

and put a new spirit in you;

 I will remove from you 

your heart of stone 

and give you a heart of flesh.

Ezekiel 36:26


I do indeed feel exactly as promised.  I had become very weary and troubled,  to be carrying around a heart of stone for so long…and with each passing moment the stone would become harder and heavier, making life so much more difficult.  Such a struggle to even do the simplest of things, so much avoidance of fun times telling myself I don’t deserve to partake in any enjoyment; All this coming from bitterness that I locked inside from years of hurts and disappointments.  To truly live and thrive we need to let go of all transgressions, and at the same time NEVER let go of our faith.

Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed,
and get a new heart and a new spirit.
Ezekiel 18:31(NIV)

Being transformed has truly been so incredibly uplifting.  Living with this happy heart of flesh has enabled me to live each moment with joy.  No, it doesn’t mean that life is perfect and I don’t have challenges, even on a daily basis.  I have accepted a position that has been a much greater challenge than I ever imaged it could be, however, I am able to press through each task of cleaning up these messes, knowing that God has created this position specifically for me so that I was able to break away from the pit my heart and I were dwelling in.  
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Psalm (NIV)

I love having this renewed spirit within me.  It is simply incredible how we can literally be transformed, just by allowing Him in.  I will continue to press even harder into Him so that I can continue my journey with a peaceful, joyful heart of soft flesh eager to learn everything my Father intends for me to learn.  Learning with an open heart gives me so much fulfillment that I sometimes feel that I will overflow with joy, which is pretty lovely to feel after carrying around that heavy stone for way too long.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. I am encouraged by all of this, especially the part about being, "..eager to learn everything my Father intends for me to learn."
