


"Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: 
to look after orphans and widows in their distress 
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." 

 James 1:27

     God the Father wants us, as Christians, to do more than just attend a worship service and Bible class on Sundays.  The above passage points out two major expectations of us all.
     One is to serve other people in our community.  I remember well how my mother was a young widow and I was only a teenager when my father died.  It was difficult to make ends meet with both of us working as many jobs as we could.  We appreciated any and all help people would give to us in the way of home repairs and all of the other things which come up with daily living.     

     Nothing has changed today.  There are many people who could use assistance and are too proud to ask for it.  Many don't know where to turn.  We are the ones who should be going out into the community to find them and fill their needs.

     The second one is to keep from being polluted by the world.  Today it takes courage to stand by your Christian convictions.  Many things which Christians profess according to Biblical standards are no longer "politically correct."  It is easy to be called a bigot for standing up for what is right in God's eyes.

     Generic religion or spirituality isn't necessarily what God accepts.  He expects His followers to lead a different lifestyle from the masses and follow an unpopular set of standards.  We follow the example of Jesus.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. The two things in this devotional that God values from his people are not hard to do. The benificiary who receives this is blessed by what is given. The giver is blessed two fold. He is blessed by what he sees in the other person and how he as the giver feels blessed. The most important blessing for the giver comes from the apporval of his Father in heaven.

    God bless...
