"I will go before you and level the mountains (to make the crooked places straight);
I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron".
And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches
of secret places that you may know that it is I,
the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name".
Isaiah 45:2 and 3 (Amplified Bible)

Sometimes they are the "doors" that we see keeping us from where we want to be in life, or the "bars" we see around our children's or loved ones hearts that keep them from knowing God's hope and joy for themselves. Whatever those “doors” or “bars” happen to be in our lives today, I am praying alongside you that they be "leveled" by the Lord Himself, even when they appear to be "mountains". Nothing is too big for our God, for Who is like Him?
I love that He summons us by name, because that represents the fact that He knows all about us. He knows our hearts, our dreams, our spouses, our children, our situations, and He also knows the plans that He has for us. I think that those plans that He has for us are the things that He brings out of the darkness and into the light, that His plans are some of the "riches stored in secret places". I believe that they are only in the darkness and in the "secret" places to us, but not to Him, because He sees and knows all things and His timing is always perfect.
I also love the way that He says "So that you may know that I am the Lord". He never, ever tires of showing us His infinite love for us, and His goodness. He knows that we do not fully or cannot fully understand His heart for us and so He continually shows His kindness to us by reminding us of all of His promises. I love that He never tires of reassuring us. Again and again and again He reassures us that He is Our Father and that He alone holds all in the palm of His Hands.
Meditating on these truths has made such a difference in my outlook and attitude today. I pray that it will do the same for you. I pray that you will be reassured yourself this morning, and blessed with the knowledge that you are loved far much more than you could ever hope, dream or even imagine.
Written by Beverley A. Napier
Thank you Beverley
ReplyDeleteSometimes it seems as if we live in an octagon shaped box with all the exit doors closed. You have made some very good points here. He will level the doors as He calls us to follow the path He has laid out for us...no matter what the challenges. I love to think of how deeply our Father cares for us and wants to guide us through the doors.
God bless!