
Complete Confidence............Monday


'Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!' with a high pitched bark our Fifi is at the sliding glass door announcing her desire to come inside. Someone always responds by letting her in. A few minutes later she is sitting at the door, she tries to make eye contact with anyone who comes near, hoping to be let back out again.

We play this game all day long. We let her out - she investigates her small domain for rambunctious squirrels and birds - and sniffs grass, dirt, flowers, and the air. Only when the warmth of the sun lulls her into a nap on the deck is the game interrupted.

Fifi's meal routine includes lots of excited tale wagging as she anticipates her breakfast or dinner. Even though we feed her the same food every time, she is always eager.

Once upon a time Fifi was a stray living on the streets. After she was hit by a car she still managed to avoid capture. When she finally made it to the shelter her broken leg was too far gone to save. But our 3 legged pet is so trusting- she acts as though we will always be there for her. 

Thinking about her complete confidence in us - I wonder if my life shows such confidence in the One who loves all of us so completely.

He will say to them, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love.
That is why I have continued to be faithful to you.

Jeremiah 31:3b NET

But then I talk to the Lord and explain that there are so many things for me to worry about and take care of, I don't want to drop the ball, or fail to be prepared for whatever comes.

Don't love money; be satisfied with what you have.
 For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” 
Hebrews 13:5 NLT

Dear Lord, we know that Your Word tells us to trust You for everything but also to not be lazy but busy and diligent like the ant and prepare for what we know is coming - like next month's bills. Please help us to lay aside our fears and hold onto our faith - so that we may know the peace of living in complete confidence in You. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M Wilkins

Jordan Feliz performs "Beloved"


LEGAL vs ETHICAL... Sunday

Devotional for 2/28/16

In the business world what is legally allowed and what is ethical or right is not always congruent.  Ethics can differ between various people or groups.  Laws can vary by state or county, etc.  Sometimes we legislate ethics, but not always. Some of our laws seem to be based on the 10 commandments, but even those laws may have different definitions than the Bible.  The commandment "Thou shalt not murder" is also a law in our country, until it comes to the unborn, because some people don't define that as murder.  But for those who find abortion on demand unethical, it is still not illegal.  So just because something is legal, doesn't mean it is ethical.  "Thou shalt not steal" on the surface may seem more universally accepted and legislated.  But what about taking supplies home from the office?  Legally that is stealing, but some people feel it is totally acceptable because they deserve it or the company can afford it.  Or even more obscure, what about spending company time doing something personal, like checking e-mail or posting on social media?  Some people see nothing wrong with this, but others would consider it stealing the company's time and money, because the employee is being paid to work for that time when they were not doing their job.  Ethics and laws do not always agree.

So whom do we obey?  In Romans 13 we are told we should be subject to the governing authorities, because all of them were established by God.  

Romans 13:1-2  (NIV)  Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Yet if the laws violate God's commands, our ethics, then we are to respectfully refuse to obey those laws.  Applying this to our lives may prove to be difficult, but the overriding principle is that if our faith is in jeopardy then we must obey God and not man.  Just because something is legal, does not mean it is right to do in God's eyes. We must turn to God in prayer to help guide our actions, and for forgiveness where we may have made the wrong compromises.

1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV)  "I have the right to do anything," you say - but not everything is beneficial... 

Romans 12:2 (NIV)  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Mark 8:36 (NIV)  What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
Mark 8:36 (24 kb)

Dear God, all power and authority are yours.  Help us to know when we are to follow man's laws, and when we are to respectfully decline to follow them when they violate your commands.  Give us the courage to stand up for our faith and what is right when it is necessary.  Forgive us where we have compromised our faith.  Thank you for loving us through it all.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen


Awesome God...A Prayer........Saturday

In the Word, our precious  Bible provides all kinds of inspiration for prayer. Some prayers are even quoted in the Bible, for instance the Lord's prayer. 

In Psalms we have amazing poetry written for music that is actually prayer.
This prayer has been written by a friend who is a  prayer warrior and a very
amazing woman. The prayer below was written a prayer based on 
 the tw0
 scripture below

 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,
for ever and ever! Amen. 
Ephesians 3:20-21


We have all benefited
from the rich blessings
he brought to us—

blessing upon blessing
heaped upon us.
John 1:16TLB

I ask that you will help remove any trace of doubt in
 your ability or your willingness to
 give good gifts to us,
your children. Lord you are able to do immeasurably
more than all we 
ask or imagine. You bless us in ways
that we did not even think to ask you for. Sometimes 
those blessings are not even something that we initially
wanted or liked but you know our
 needs better than we 
do. You are at work in our lives, and your power is evident 
in us as we turn to you. Thank you for all you have done 
for us. Thank you for the many blessings that  you send
our way. From the fullness of your grace we have indeed 
all received one blessing after another. Open our eyes to
see all that you are doing for us. It is so easy for us to focus on
 the lacks-the needs-the wants- and forget your provision,
your blessings, your good gifts that 
you have given us.
Lord forgive our nearsightedness, forgive the times that we
barely mention
 all you have done for us while we ask 
for more and more, and heal the selfishness in our  hearts. 
Give us gratitude and willingness to tell others how your are 
indeed working in our your goodness encourage others
and bring glory to you as we tell of your answered
 those around us. Fill our churches with
testimonies of
 your working in the lives of your
In Jesus name, amen.

Written by
Lisabeth Lipp





I love to find gratefulness in each day.  Unfortunately, there has been many a day in which I have had a real challenge finding something that I feel grateful for.  The truth be known….it is all in my attitude!

“to be made new in the attitude of your minds”

Being a Christian doesn't mean that my life will run perfectly smooth, but, what it does mean is that I am a Princess of the Most High King!!  For that alone I am grateful every moment of every day.

However, during the mud and gunk of daily living; i.e. the job, the bills, the broken furnace, the fear of uncertainty, the medical appointments, the emotions and physical changes of menopause, etc., gratitude gets pushed to the back of my mind.  Then something happens like yesterday, I had my annual physical, which, I did not want go to at all.  When I called to schedule the appointment the day before, I did not expect to get in the next day.  Darn, I wanted to lose twenty pounds, as well as lower my cholesterol and get my blood pressure down.  You know, be perfect.  So, here I am going to the dreaded appointment.  The first thing the Medical Assistant says is that she is always glad to see me, as I am always such a happy person.  Wow, what a blessing that was, as well as an attitude changer.  Then the weigh in was not such a blessing, but, I survived, with a silent promise to myself to lose those twenty pounds before I step foot on that thing again.  (I have never made that promise in the past.  HA!)

We chatted as she did her job; she gives me another blessing because she remembers details of me and my simple little life.  My doctor comes in, whom I love dearly, but, as I said, I wanted him to see twenty pounds less of me.  So that it is, he saw all of me still clinging onto those twenty pounds, which he has so graciously asked me to work off for a few years now.  He listened with concern to all my little issues and had answers for them all.  My exam was done after a search for the missing light. Anita, he and I all got laughs about that, with the best being that my doctor likes the new lights because they are fun to turn on and off.  I thought that was pretty awesome, with the responsibilities of physician’s life, he had time to find pleasure in a simple thing, as how a light works, and not be angry that he had to go look for one. All in all, I spent over an hour at my appointment with the whole time feeling as I was his only patient.  On top of that, I am so extremely grateful that I will be finally getting help for the headaches that I have suffered from my whole life.

I came out of that appointment with a new attitude, a grateful heart and much hope for a future with a whole lot less head pain.  Praise the Lord!

Psalm 100

A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with           joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his;
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns



Baptism of God's Son...............Thursday

Its meaning for all of us.


Immediately after John baptized Him, He came up out of the water and the heavens opened up to Jesus. And John saw the Spirit of God descending out of heaven like a dove, landing and settling on Him.

And when that happened, John heard a voice from heaven saying, “This is my dearly loved Son, chosen and marked by My love. I am very pleased with Him, He is the delight of My heart and He brings Me great joy.
Matthew 3.16-17

When Jesus was baptized three things took place.

1.    The heavens opened up to Him.

Lord, we pray that the You will cause the heavens above us to be opened, releasing on us the anointing that will bring freedom and victory to those we know and those we will meet. We pray that He fills our lives with grace and causes the favor of God to follow our lives life and our daily ministry, in Jesus name.

2.    John saw the Spirit of God descending upon Him.

Lord, we ask that your children will see the work of the Holy Spirit within them and to give them the results now that they have desired for a long time.  May the next few days be exceptional at every level, in Jesus name.

3.    The voice endorsed Jesus saying “This is my Son.”

Oh Lord may we go in Your endorsement to bring down the walls of the enemy. May we go in the strength of the Spirit to dismantle every obstacle and every barrier on our way, in Jesus name.

We proclaim success into our lives and into our work in the coming days. Crown our efforts with accomplishment for the eternal, in the name of Jesus Amen

Written by
Brother Thomas Ukwute
          via the edit of Jody Ward


"Fullness Of Joy".......Wednesday

   "Fullness Of Joy"
The other night my husband and I were spending time together. I said something to him that struck him really funny and he just took off laughing hilariously!! As he was laughing that brought me to the point of much laughter and in no time we  were rolling in laughter together! What a joyful night that was as we relished a great time together simply by laughing!
Isn't that just like our heavenly Father? He is a God of abundant joy! That is who He is. He wants each of His children to experience that abundant joy and holy laughter as well. That joy flows from the depths of His heart and is always available to us as we tap into His Spirit.
The dictionary defines the word joy as: delight, jubilation, triumph, glee, exhilaration, exuberance and the list goes on. Those are all wonderful definitions and not something that is beyond our grasp. Of course through life we have many different emotions and sometimes that includes sorrow. But the good news is that we may also walk with a spirit of joy in Christ. That is ours for the taking!
His Word tells us.....

 "The Lord thy God
 in the midst of thee 
is mighty; 
he will save, he will rejoice
over thee with joy; 
he will rest in his love, 
he will joy over thee 
with singing." 
Zephaniah 3:17 

Our God is always in our midst and rejoices over His people with  great joy and singing. That we can always depend on and embrace His great desire to see us walk in abundant joy!!
In His Exuberant Joy! 
Sandy Billingham



Call to Prayer...Tuesday


Today I was listening to     K LOVE radio and a woman called in about the Sunday message at her church. It was called the call to prayer. There are many ways that we receive a call to prayer. Church bells chime the hour or even just before the service is to start. We set the alarm to get up in early enough to have time at the start of the day for prayer. In the Muslim areas the Muezzin climbs into the tower and sings a prayer that is broadcast by microphones to the surround area that it is time to pray. When I have been in Bangladesh I have so loved that call. I use it to remind me to pray to the God I know is The One. Many religions have ways of making a call to prayer.

Then there are the symbols of prayer. Some Christians have an open Bible that they read, meditate, and pray about. Other Christians pray with rosary beads. Muslims and Buddhists have beads...the list goes on an on according to whatever religious custom is followed.

It seems as though modern people with all the digital and electronic toys that they have hear a different call. In the morning the first thing that they do is to go to their toys to see what new thing is up. They (we) check it out and the result is that we spend time...for those who work the time is limited...catching up on all the news. Then they are off to work. They have not had enough time to spend with God in what is called a quiet time. Social Media has become our God.

I am not a saint and sometimes I fall short. However, I am mindful of the importance of putting God first. There are times when I "sneak a peak" so to speak. However, it is always my intention to spend time with God first thing and give Him and me our time together. 

How about a challenge? For one week promise yourself to leave the toys until after you meet with God, and appraise how that works in your life. I think you will like it, and I know God will like it.

Heavenly Father
Today help me to think of you as more important than anything in my life. Help be to give the first fruits of my day to You. I love you Lord.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa


Speak Life.......Monday

2/22/16....Come Alongside

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, 
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 
Against such things there is no law. 
Galatians 5:22-23

There are so many hurting people in this world. They hurt for different reasons.

Some went through abusive childhoods. I am not actually referring to physical abuse here although many have suffered that as well. Did you know that verbal abuse can be at least as damaging if not more so. A child who is called stupid or bad thinks, “If my mom or dad say that it must be so. I am evil/dim-witted. They do not have the intellectual maturity to throw this away, and so they make it their own opinion of themselves. This also happens to adults who are harangued by people they love, work with, or those they call friends. These people have a neediness that is not always evident.

Other people hurt from loneliness. Maybe they have never connected in any kind of permanent way with anyone else. Or…they could have lost a loved one after many, many years of being together in a marriage. Such people often sit alone in their houses filled with loneliness that we can hardly imagine. They go to stores and other places where they seem invisible and are alone in the crowd.

There is the lack of affirmation and praise for a job well done but seems to go unnoticed. People are blessed by the acknowledgement that someone has noticed and been touched by big or even modest things that they have done.

Another activity along these lines is to help someone when they are in need. Sharing your talent, sharing a meal, just digging in to finish a task are very worthwhile endeavors. Working alongside a busy or overwhelmed person will be something that she (or he) will never forget.

It is so easy to reach out to others to come alongside and the good news is that it costs you nothing but a bit of time. You are standing in the grocery line and you see a cute baby. A few words to the proud mom makes her day. Perhaps a compliment is in order for someone who looks very nice. Just stepping out to relate positively to sometime is a sanctified habit. It allows the one who does this to function as the mouth of God.

Dear God, help me to be sensitive today to the needs of others for a kind word or a bit of help. I want to come alongside those who need this. Show me the ones that you would have me reach out to and give me the words to say or actions that I can take. I want to do Your will.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


Exhaustion... Sunday

Devotional for 2/21/16

I live in the desert in Arizona.  We are having an unusually hot February with several broken records for the highs recently.  In spite of that heat, I still go to exercise two horses at one stable, and to do heavy barn work at another, though not on the same days.  Today, after 3 1/2 hours of cleaning stalls and other things in sunny 80 degree weather, I went to the largest Arabian horse show in the world with two friends from that barn and spent another 4-5 hours walking around and shopping at the vendors' booths, etc.  Needless to say, our aging bodies were aching and exhausted by the time the day was over.  But we were so engrossed in enjoying the experiences and the good company that we hardly noticed until we finally sat down.  Not only was it hard to get our bodies to bend to sit down on a bench, but after resting and replenishing fluids we found it at least equally as hard to get back up!

Life is sometimes like that.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up in working on something, so focused on the task at hand, that we don't stop often enough to be refreshed.  There are also times we are so busy trying to solve our own problems, we don't remember to rely on God and his Word.  We become so engrossed in life and its worries that we don't even realize we haven't stopped to rest in God.  We become weary with the burdens of life and can feel faint at heart.  But there is relief waiting for us when when God turns us back to him:

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25

God provides us with refreshing rest.  Gently, he gives us support and comfort.  He extends his arms in which we can rest, and quenches our thirsting souls.  He rejuvenates us as we gather with fellow believers in worship and Bible study.  When we turn to him in prayer, we are given strength to go on. He lightens our load on earth and supplies everything needed for eternal life with him in heaven. 

Matthew 11:28 (46 kb)"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30

Thank you Lord, Jesus, for providing rest for my weary soul, easing my load, supplying all my needs, and refreshing me with your life-giving gift. Help me to always turn to you for help and to share that gift with others.  In your name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen


I JUST KNOW...............Saturday


"For the law was given through Moses' 
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.  
No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, 
who is at the Father's side, has made him known." 
John 1:17, 18

     Since the creation of the world God has made Himself known to mankind.  He has done this through His marvelous works, and through the promises the patriarchs and prophets knew from experience and a relationship with Him.

     Now we have the written Word of God in the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit and passed down through generations to us today.  We also now have scientific discoveries which can point only to "intelligent design" rather than evolution.  And we have archaeological finds every year which confirm the historicity of Scripture.

     The Christian faith is not "blind."  We can't see God face-to-face right now, but we do follow a God we can know intimately and experience fellowship with.  Christ's disciples went from cowardly deniers who hid after the crucifixion to bold proclaimers of the Word after Jesus' resurrection.  Except for John, they all died as martyrs for their faith.  The same continues today.  Many people are dying every year from persecution for their Christian faith.

     This is not something which can be explained to a non-believer.  This is not revealed through the mind, or by intellectual knowledge.  It is revealed by the gift of the Holy Spirit into a person's heart. How do I know all this is true?  I just know.

Written by
Carol Steficek