
Friday Devotional...11/30/12...HEAVEN.....

                                                               ........What is Heaven, Where is Heaven?

Some of Webster’s definitions are:

 The abode of God and the angels
 The expanse of space surrounding the earth; that which seems to be over the earth like a great arch; the firmament; the sky
 The sovereign of heaven; God; also, the assembly of the blessed, collectively
 The place of supreme happiness or great comfort

In a Christians quest for heaven we have often sang the old hymnals in church:

“Oh I want to see Him, look upon his face,
there I’ll sing forever of His saving grace”
“In that city where the Lamb is the light,
In that city where there cometh no night,
there’s a mansion over there and it’s free from toil and care
in that city where the Lamb is the light”

We often use the expressions of: Heaven Bound; Heaven Sent; Heaven is in your eyes etc. So to the human mind and spirit, heaven is a real place, a place that the soul longs to go for their final destination… a place that is reserved for the saved, the believers in Jesus Christ, A place of eternal life.

Some that have experienced an account of a near death experience explains what Heaven is like, and find that most commonly heaven is described as “the light”

“It was as if I were going home, so familiar was it to me. As if returning to where I had originally come from…The absolute peace, the oneness, the completeness was the most striking.”

Several verses in Revelation chapter 21, verses 3 – 6 (the last book) of the New Testament speak:

 Verse 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,
Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell
with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself
shall be with them, and be their God.
 Verse 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain;
for the former things are passed away.
 Verse 5 And he that sat upon the throne said,
Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me,
Write, for these words are true and faithful.
 Verse 6 And he said unto me, It is done.
I am Alpha and Ome’ga, the beginning and the end.
I will give unto him that is a
thirst of the fountain of the water and life freely.
In John 14:3 the Bible says:
“And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

1st Corinthians 2:9 states:
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

As believers we understand the words of Jesus in John 14:6 when he said:
“I am the way the truth and the life.”

So with all that we know or don’t know, with all that we understand or don’t understand ….There is one fact that is true, and that is Heaven is real, not just a figure of our imagination. And for me and my house we will serve the Lord, for surely Heaven is waiting for you and me. For he will give unto us that are a thirst of the fountain of the water and life freely ….

Come Quickly Lord Jesus!

Written by: Glenna Williamson


Thursday Devotional...11/T28/12...The Wrong Price

Have you ever looked at your receipt after you got home from shopping to discover you paid more than you intended for an item? When that happens to me I get frustrated with myself for not paying better attention at check out! Sometimes I go back to the store to get an item corrected only to discover that I had it wrong. It really was the higher price.

I find myself thinking a lot about prices nowadays, I think we all are. When I filled the gas tank with fuel today I only paid $3.49 a gallon. Only $3.49! I remember crying in 1998 when gas prices jumped up 30 cents a gallon to $1.55. I wondered then how we would possibly make it.

In 26 days it will be the eve of Christmas 2012. There are so many things to do and so many things to buy before then. I am happy to do these things, and I want to show the people in my life how much I care about them by being as generous as I can. An American Research Group survey in November shows that the average American plans on spending $800 on Christmas.

Whether I have money to spend on Christmas or if I am just hoping to be able to pay the bills I feel this tugging inside of me, reminding me to “Pay the right price.” We all know that the price tags have been switched in this world. Those things that are truly valuable: honesty, loving care, faithfulness, time spent together, and listening are all in the discount bin. Heavy on our wallets are the material things that can be broken or stolen and that do not matter in the long run.

I admit it would be easier to buy my mother a beautiful purse than to make the effort to spend time with her in the middle of my busy life. But that’s the way of it! It costs us something no matter what we do. May we all pay attention to the price we pay this season.

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich;
restrain yourself!
Riches disappear in the blink of an eye;
wealth sprouts wings
and flies off into the wild blue yonder.
Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money;
buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight.
Proverbs 23:4-5, 23
 (The Message)

Dear Lord, please show me how I may be a blessing to someone today. Please do not let me cause any harm or be a stumbling block to others. Please give me eyes to see and a heart that understands how to choose the good things at the right price this Christmas. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


Wednesday Devotional...11/28/12..."He Is Truly My Portion"

Every day I am amazed that God sees to it that I lack nothing in Him. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed at night, my needs are always met. We have a God that so profoundly has created us, so naturally He is fully aware of what is going on in our lives.

It says in Lamentations 3:24
"The Lord is my portion, says my soul, Therefore I hope in Him!"

What great peace and comfort it is to know that God will continually be my portion at any given moment in my life. I do not have to plead with Him for my needs. He so lovingly acts on my behalf with the portion that He sees I am in need of. He so lavishly pours out His love on His children and we can fully put our hope in Him every single day of our lives.
In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

Tuesday Devotional ....The Prayer

This is a beautiful song that is asking God to be our eyes, to watch us where we go
and help us to be wise  times when we dont know.

These are good requests to make on a daily basis as we
continue to walk in the light of our salvation with the
dim light of our understanding.

It put me into the mind
of the coming of Christmas
(less than a month away),
the gifts that we receive
(found under our trees),
and the greatest gifts that we ever receive
(the eternally persistant gifts of God).

Please click on the link below.
It will come up with the lyrics so you can read and sing
the song with the artists.



written by Josh Groban

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know

Let this be our prayer
As we go our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your Grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu dai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore restera
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarci che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede c'e

When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe.

Sogniamo un mondo senza piu violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace e di fraternita

La forza che ci dai
We ask that life be kind
E'il desiderio che
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amore
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a se
Another soul to love

Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child
Needs to find a place,
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

E la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salvera

Introduced and shared by
Corinne Mustafa



Devotional for Sunday 11/25/12

Life brings many challenges.  Some of them are minor, others are life-changing.  Even some of the minor ones get blown way out of proportion or pile up on each other and drag us down.  Depending upon how we look at difficult situations, they can trip us up, or we can move forward.  If we see them as calamities, they can stop us in our tracks.  But if we see them as opportunities to challenge us to think outside the box and rely on God, we may find we make great strides because of them.  Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for help in finding our way.  So often we think of turning to God after turning elsewhere.  But if we seek the counsel of the Lord first, he will not only point out the way, he will walk along side us, guiding us with every step, putting the right people in our pathway to help us, and carrying us when we feel unable to continue. 

First seek the counsel of the LORD.”  1 Kings 22:5 NIV

May God watch over us all as we face life's challenges and help us to turn to him first.        1 Kings 22:5 (34 kb)
written by Jan Andersen


Saturday Devotional...11/24/12...Memories

                                                   ...Important Gift of the Holidays

So the holiday season has begun. I love this time of year. It seems as though people are more intuned to their fellow man. There is a feeling of purpose in shops and malls. Thanksgiving was probably the last restful and unhurried day. Oh yes, I cooked my little fingers to the bone, cleaned my house with a lot of help from my husband, and I put out the Thanksgiving decorations. It was a small group this year—just eight of us. My hubby and me, my son, his wife and his son and daughter, and my cousin and her grandson were all that gathered around the table. As I peeled and chopped I started to remember Thanksgivings of yesteryear when there were as many as thirty sharing the meal.

Those were the days of making memories for these days that used to be thought of as “the future.” My three little children and my friend Ernie’s two were just beginning to build their own memories that they now share with their own children. Three elderly couples have left the table to be with the Lord, taking with them a piece of our hearts and leaving a piece of their hearts with us.

It is such a blessing in these hurried days to slow down once in a while and remember things that built us into who we are today. To run at break neck pace to get things done needs to be given a balance in the consideration of what is really important. It is the day after Thanksgiving and today the second wave arrived for the rest of the weekend. This is my friend, Calista, and her husband, Richard. More memories float through my mind of the almost sixty years that I have known her, her parents who were so special to me, the town where we lived, and other family members who are part of those days of the fifties and sixties.

That is what life is all about really. You move ahead building a structure of your life knowing that some of the bricks and boards are added in by the precious people who were on your path. Sometimes things change, and that can be hard. However, if we can put the proper value and light onto our past we will appreciate the souvenirs gathered from the people and friendships that God has gifted us with throughout the years.

Father God, thank You for all you have brought my way from friends and memories that offer me a looking glass through which to view my life. May my family and friends be blessed with the memories they hold precious in their lives. As we begin the season during which we celebrate the greatest Gift that You have given us, let the days until Christmas be days of joy, fellowship and the building more memories for the future. Help us to remember the true reason for the season and to hold the wonderful Christmases of our lives close to heart. We must never forget that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, Amen.

While they were there, the time came
for her to give birth.
She gave birth to a son, her firstborn.
She wrapped him in a blanket
and laid him in a manger,
because there was no room in the hostel.
                                                          Luke 2:6-7

Corinne Mustafa

Friday Devotional...Thanksgiving

T Is for “Thank You Lord” for giving so much to me
H Is for all the “Help” you have shown me along the way
A Is for “Affiliation” of Christian believers on the straight & narrow

N Is for “Nobody” can ever take away the Love of God
K Is for His “Kindness” …. kindness every day
S Is for “Salvation” ever so free He gave
G He Gave” his only begotten son for our redemption
I Is for He “Is” …He was and always will be
V Is for the “Victory” no more fear of death
I Is for “Important” He is more important than any thing
N Is for “Nearer” Nearer my Lord to Thee
G Is for “Grow” ….Grow in Grace to ever abound

Written by
Glenna Williamson

Prayers that  you had a day filled with God's blessings, fellowship, and fun.

Hope you had more fun than the turiey!


Thursday Devotioal...11/22/12...Thankfulness for Small Things

                                 ...is Thankfulness for Big Things

Every time I enter a new season or phase in my life, I say to myself, “Who knew?” Clearly other people who have gone before me knew, but no one mentioned it (or I wasn’t listening).

Who knew that when kids leave they don’t always make it back for holidays? Okay, practically speaking I did know that was a possibility, but what I didn’t know was how strong my feelings would be. I put on a brave face, and reassure my loved ones that I understand, but I surprised myself when in a quiet moment of reflection tears came to my eyes because some of my loved ones would not be sitting around my table. Even my husband who claims to have “no feelings” has been misty eyed and silent on the topic of those who will be far away when we give thanks today for all God has given us.

It actually reminds me of the holidays after 9-11-2001, when nothing phased me. I was so overwhelming grateful for what I did have that I refused to notice what we didn’t have. My mantra that season was “We have food to eat, clothes to wear and a roof over our heads. What else dare we ask for?” I was so humbled to have my family spared when other families had lost so much. I couldn’t think of the towers, the Pentagon, or United flight 93 without a lump developing in my throat.

The truth is that there is someone (many someones) whose lives are worse/harder than our own. We should remember to be grateful that we are where we are. His word tells us,

So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course.
Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven.
The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.
There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle.
He brought us to life using the true Word,
showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.James 1:16-18
The Message

Dear Lord, may we each remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves and thus remember how blessed we are this very day. We choose, Lord, to not let ourselves become discouraged or depressed, because You are our hope. We can search out Your promises in Your Word, confident of Your faithfulness, and then patiently wait for You. In Jesus name, amen.

PS: Please help us to remember that no child was damaged because they didn’t go to Disneyland, and no mother died because she didn’t have coordinating furniture or a new vehicle. You, Lord, watch over the poorest and most humble heart. No one is hidden from Your view or loving care.

Written by
Mary M. Wilkins


Wednesday Devvotional...11/21/12..."Soar With Gratitude In Your Hearts"...

                                            ...and let Him take you to deeper places with Him!

It says in Psalm 100:4

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."

Having a grateful heart plays a major role in entering into the Lord's presence. The Lord is ecstatic when His people come to Him with open arms and huge hearts of gratitude. Praise, singing and gladness are also an extremely important part of entering into His throne room.

It truly is amazing when we begin to thank our Lord from the depths of our hearts for all that He has given us and the sacrifice He made for us. Our hearts swell and are overcome with God's all-consuming love for us as we enter into His glorious presence.

I encourage you this Thanksgiving and every day that you would soar with gratitude in your heart like never before and let Him take you to deeper places with Him!

In His Outrageous Love,
Sandy Billingham

Tuesday Devotional...Be Thankful

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually
offer to God a sacrifice of praise
---the fruit of lips that confess His name,
Hebrews 13:15

"Hands down, Thanksgiving is my  favorite holiday. It highlights the home and family. It is synonymous with stuff that can be found only at home---early morning fussing aroune in the kitchen, kids and grandkids, long distance phone calls, holding hands and praying before that special meal.

"Thanksgiving speaks in clear crisp tones of forgotten terms, like integrity---bravery---respect---faith---vigilamde---dogmotu---honor---freedom---discipline---sacrifice---godliness.

"I've got a love affair going with Thanksgiving. It seems to blend together all we Americans hold precious and dear---without the sham and plastic mask of commercialism.

"At this holiday, as at no other, we count our blessings and we run out of time before we exhaust the list.

"Thanksgiving is a time of quiet refletions upon the past and an annual reminder that God has, again, been ever so faithful. The solid and simple things of life are brought into clear focus, so much so that everything else fades into insignificane

"The meal, the memories, the Music Thanksgivings have a way of blocking out the gaunt giant of selfishness and ushering in the  sincere spirit of gratitude, love and genuine joy."

Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek His face always.
Remember the wonders He has done.
Psalm 105:4-5

Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness,
and for His wonderful works
to the children of men.
Psalm 107:15

May the spirit of gratitude,
love and genuine joy be yours
this Thanksgiving and throughout the Christmas season to follow."

Shared by Corinne Mustafa



Monday Devotional...Everyday Eves

How many times have we read, heard or told the story of Adam and Eve and said to ourselves, “I would not have listened to the serpent! I would have just walked away.” Thinking that we had a clue as to how she may have felt, being chosen as the one the serpent addressed?

Just to live in the garden could have been enough; and yet, perhaps she had become aware of the fact that Adam was not just created first, he got to name all of the beasts of the field and birds of the air before she became flesh. She was living in the midst of God’s glorious creations, but had not taken part in deciding what anything was to be called. Maybe she just wanted something that was not “All about Adam”. Self-centered thinking perhaps, but who has never stood somewhere surrounded by beauty, but feeling invisible and unnecessary and maybe unloved?

I know that I have made many of my bad choices while I was in the middle of my own pity party. Knowing that my value does not come from how I look or what I have, but still thinking that I would be so much better off if I could just be first at something.

Thankfully, God knows me well enough to send me salvation in the form of a song, spoken or written words that inspire me, good news from any source, or just a glimpse of the sky shimmering with streams of sunlight glowing through His clouds. The glorious things Our Father does with His Light!

But let’s get back to my Eve-ness. The part of me that I keep hidden, knowing once again, that I have chosen self over selfless, leaving others to pay for and clean up my mess. "My Sin" is more than a perfume from the 1920’s. It is every wrong for which I have been forgiven. It is my human self, the one who could never be worthy without God’s Mercy and Grace. If I had to pray my way for forgiveness each time I slipped, I would have to live on my knees!

Thank You, Jesus, for suffering for my sins. For helping me see that the only way I can try to repay you is by trying every day to become you – no matter how many times I fail.

Because God created us for a purpose, even our faults and failures cannot keep Him from allowing it to come to pass if we are willing to ask for forgiveness and obey the small voice inside that works so hard to lead us to righteousness...

Oh, what a wonder when He allows me to overflow with blessings for the few small things that I do for Him! My home, my family, my health. Even the fact that I am no longer girlishly slender is a sign that I have lived through years that many have not survived. I have been loved, even cherished, by some incredible people. I have given birth to healthy children, who thus far, appear to be on the way to living long and fruitful lives.

And, best of all, I know that my Redeemer Lives! The first Eve was made in the garden and lost it.

We have the promise of salvation and eternity in paradise with The Creator!

“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree
was good for food and pleasing to the eye, a
nd also desirable for gaining wisdom,
she took some and ate it.”
Genesis 3:6a

“Adam lay with his wife Eve,
and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.
She said, “With the help of the LORD
I have brought forth a man.”
Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.”
 Genesis 4:1-2a

Lynda Kinnard



Sunday devotional for 11/18/12 

Some things go on for an eternity.  There are things we think of as lasting forever, such as a hard rock, non-rusting metals, a forgotten fruitcake, or a boring speech.  But are these things truly eternal?  Not really.  Those things can be destroyed or ended.  However, there is one thing that we can have confidence in knowing it will last for all time.

Give thanks to the Lord; His love endures forever.

The significance of these words in the Bible are underscored by the fact that it is found quoted there in some form at least 16 times.  God will always love us - forever, and it is important for us to remember this and be grateful for it.  It is essential that we not reject God's loving gift of faith in Jesus and the salvation he won for us on the cross. God wants us to express our thanks to him for his goodness and mercy.  The amazing thing is that even when we forget about his presence, are unsure about him caring for us when we have faltered or are struggling, or even wonder if he is there at all, God is STILL faithful in his love for us and forgives us.  He will always pick us up in his loving arms and takes care of us, in spite of our sinfulness.  How awesome is that?!  Thank you God!

Psalm 136:1 (42 kb)

May you have a week filled with gratitude to God as we approach Thanksgiving.

written by Jan Andersen

Saturday Devotional...Be Thankful

A few years ago I wrote a satirical little ditty about long job of cooking and the often annoying behavior of the guests. The cooking is unappreciated and oftentimes taken for granted.. In my poem the guests are vociferous during dinner and end up paying touch football on the lawn while the one who cooked is doing cleanup. I was trying to be funny.

I have always been blessed with guests who brought dishes, and I still remember the amazing pies that my friend, Ernie, brought. My cooking prowess was the turkey, stuffing and that old New England holiday staple, carrots and turnips cooked and mashed together: it did not include gourmet pies. That was Ernie's job every year. My poem was just trying to be funny.  The fellowship was always such that I felt edified by the people sharing that day. We always had about twenty-five or thirty people who were family and special friends. The decoratios were and still are lovely.

The parents of my generation have gone home now, but the memories are precious.
Our Thanksgivings are different now. Life goes on and the people who graced those celebrations are now spread out. Ernie has two daughters who have children and they live in Connecticut and in southern California. My two sons live within travelling distance, and they will be here with a daughter in law and two grandchildren. My daughter lives in Minnesota with her husband and son. There are many holidays when she is not able to come. A phone call is all we have. Two friends are coming down from up north. I have known Calista since we were about ten singing in our church choir in Rhode Island. My cousin, Sally, (like a sister to me), now lives in town and will be here.

The celebration has taken on a new look, it is the new normal Thanksgiving celebration. There is some sharing of food to be brought in by those who are coming. There is still the lovely time of relaxing and sharing family, friends and memories of long ago and recent years. There is so much more peaceful than Christmas to me. We will still say grace, and each will share something that they are thankful and grateful for.

These are hard times and there are also many things to worry about. Still there are so many reasons to be thankful. This is a day and a time to thank God for his blessings; to have faith that He has eternal plans to prosper us. Throughout the ages people had the same kinds of concerns. They are what God’s people have had to be concerned with. Still He is there with His mighty good will towards His children. Things change and sometimes we are slow to think that the days of the present are given by Him and that we need to focus on gratitude and hope.

There are still so many reasons to be thankful.

… be filled with
the Holy Spirit,
singing psalms
and hymns and
spiritual songs
 among yourselves, a
nd making music
to the Lord in your hearts.
And give thanks
for everything
to God the Father
in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ

              Ephesians 5:18b-20                                                       Corinne H.  Mustafa                   


Friday Devvotional... Freedom

I’ve been involved in Christian Prison Ministry for some time, and recently a man (that I’ve become acquainted with) was released from Prison. This man got saved while incarcerated and is now serving the Lord to the best of his ability. My feeling toward forgiveness is that he is saved just as much as I am saved….for the Bible says “For such were some of you.”

Anyway, after he was released and got himself settled for a few days, he called me to let me know how happy he was and how he “Thanked God” for His goodness His mercy and Freedom.

I asked him, “What did you see that struck you straight way that touched your heart, because you’ve been locked up for so long”? He said, “When I got on the bus, I saw several little children with their mother, and it made me want to cry with such a feeling…I wish I could have hugged those precious little kids, it was the feeling of looking upon a new little puppy, all you want to do is hug them, of course I couldn’t….but oh what a precious sight of these little ones were to my eyes and heart….pure and innocent and full of trust and love.”

I thought of what “Freedom” is and how blessed we are in so many different aspects of freedom. Those that have come to Christ for forgiveness are free from sin and death, freedom of religion. Little children have such an innocent freedom to play and speak, laugh and just be. Freedom comes with a price for our country as those who pay the price to guard and protect our country in the military. We have the choice to freely live as we choose, free to eat what we want, free to go where we want to go, freedom to give. But I think the most significant “Freedom of all >>> is the freedom in our hearts if we are right in our spirit with God and man. If our minds can be free of fear and anxiety and sorrow….oh what “Sweet Freedom” that is! I Thank God for the Freedom our country has and for the liberty we the people of God can experience in our lives.

Written by: Glenna Williamson


Thusday Devotional...I cry, “Foul!”

I am not a sports type of person but I do know that a foul in sports is something outside of the rule of play. I commit all sorts of personal fouls in my own life. When I am not kind in the words I speak to someone (also known as teasing, mocking, or “just telling the truth.”). When I don’t do what I said I would do (or not do).

But more often I notice the fouls that are done to me rather than by me. Such as thoughtless comments, feigned compliments, cold shoulders, silence, and all sorts of human error that floods this world and the people in it. As I ponder how difficult it is to lay down my hurt feelings again and again, and how much work and effort is sometimes required to be loving and caring of others, I think of a friend of ours named Jimmy.

Jimmy was one of those fringe friends. We were very young when we met him outside of a fast food place where he worked. He still lived at home, and it seemed to us he was more comfortable on the outside looking in. Being outsiders ourselves we took a liking to Jimmy. We occasionally hung out, eating pizza and talking about life. After we got saved, married and had a few babies Jimmy came with us to church. Outside of church he turned to us and said, “You have a good thing here, don’t ever let go of it.” Looking wistful but smiling he said his goodbyes. Later that year, or maybe a year later, we decided to have Jimmy over for a Christmas party. He didn’t answer his pager (hi-tech for those days) and I finally stopped by his work to try to catch him. He didn’t work there anymore but they gave me his home number.

I called as soon as I got home. His mom answered the phone. “Hello,” I said, explaining who I was, then I asked to speak to Jimmy. There was a moment of silence before she answered me. “Jimmy is dead, my dear.” My brain didn’t follow her, in my confusion I retaliated, “No, I’m sorry, I must have the wrong number.” Her voice was firm and strong, “The highway patrol found his car on the side of the road, when they searched the woods they found him. He had shot himself. “No!” I argued, “It can’t be him, we just saw him a few months ago!” She assured me, “No you didn’t, my dear. I am sorry to have to tell you he is gone.” Now it was my turn to be silent. “Okay,” I answered softly. I hope I remembered to tell her I was sorry.

So, now I say thank You, Lord, for Jimmy. Now my feelings of rejection and self-pity have vanished into the darkness where they belong. Thanksgiving is in one week! I imagine lots of mothers and fathers, siblings and friends who approach holiday celebrations with a lump in their throats and a pain in their heart. I picture each mother setting the table for one less loved one. I envision an emotional rollercoaster of family members counting their blessings and relaxing one moment and the next moment everyone remembering the one who is gone.

Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others’ joy],
and weep with those who weep [sharing others’ grief].
Romans 12:15
Amplified Bible (AMP)

Dear Lord, I lift up Jimmy’s family and all who face an empty seat during the holidays this year. I pray for Your tender loving care to flow down upon each one of them, that Your warm comfort will fill their hearts and souls. And for this life may we be truly grateful. In Jesus name, amen.

Mary M Wilkins